Specialist of creative system thinkingI'm Inventor, Designer, Marketer, Qualitician, Ergonomist, Ontologist, Researcher...and Globe trotter. Creative help doesn't mean to show off originality, but mean producing the relevant idea for profit because of wide and deep social analysis combined with high creative level | 120 Creative boosts |
I didn't find any java or css code for this kind of navigation system so I done by myself. It take some time
I stimulate all you team with newness and playful possibilities by bring of unbelievable fun and smart thinks and with success facilitating for future.
I prepare the work for marketer in proposing better idea before that marketers convert into marketing offer for more marketing effectiveness because of society study and understanding.
I prepare the work of engineer in proposing more simple technical solution more easy to realize or new one with new exciting engineering work because of different thinking than traditional engineering.
Your marketing expenses become more effective because your communication effort for convincing become lower
I have long training of 30 years of problem analysis and creativity time because of passion.
With Stong sense of file preparation for avoiing any big difficulties later
With data structuration andsysteme thinking for complet analysis
With no standard methods that could conduces to banale solution
About problem
I make strong analysis based on psychosocial analysis.
I use infinite creative techniques invented according problem undestanding for guarantying relevance.
The true need for innovation and the quality of collaboration is essential for very innovative project.
So I try to build exchange on good agreement steps and contract claims.
I studied law by passion (that conduces to my research work about good faith) and so have good knowledge about commercial law.
I'm not very easy with negotiation part but same time my creative mind help me ti imagine and accept any kind of collaboration and payment process.
Writing help me for good structuration of work.
TechnicalTo find Aesthetics To imagine more attractive products | ConceptTo create the keystone CostTo simplify the product | ErgonomicsTo offer new FunctionTo enrich the product |
When you don't close the door the key show you status of you door.
A flexible & anti twist key is wound up on a magnetic cylinder and is unwound for going in a long and curved tunnel so that it's hard to insert any special tool for opening lock without key.
This 5 opening method doesn't work
Ergonomic safe because same human use , just push or pull handle.
A lot of engineers said me it's impossible to make it. So I decided to make a working prototype and so now can sale you door with solution.
I invented new kind of mechanical part. The simple hinge is made with 4 spare parts.
Bic pen has 6 gr of plastic and mine has 2 gr only with also 2 spare parts less.
Closing pen and is reduced to mainly hand hold.
Tube facilitation of creams giving out, through the practicality of the jar. Moreover jar can be detachable from the tube for going in the handbag as below. Of course jar and tube are automatically closed on unmouting position.
Website just published
More invention later
Good faith is the starting step of any law judgement. According good
faith evaluation, we don't use the same law article and or we don't apply the law article in same way.
So it help anyone to integrate all aspects of good faith in lawsuit file with a good starting model that can evolve in open data platform and become reference model for classifying jurisprudence related to good faith.
Notion of Good faith in intuitive judgement used from Origins of Rome (Bona Fides) and finally since human are trying to live together in good relation.
Wisdom is associated to good people so that we think good people can evaluate good faith in best way. Yes and Not. They can be guardian of wisdom but they need some technical help for.
Help to choose best food for you considering your situation.
Poster, translated in all languages for poor people
Application , for rich people
Open data web system, for feeding tree of decision with most recent scientificnutrition research
Helping companies to have more complete and accurate explanation about their companies and/or their projects
This work is more confidential but you can read this thinking example from work in course
In analyzing5000 home page descriptions I listed 75 common kinds of explanation for our proposal (product, service,activity, institution�) I concluded that these most essentials are just these 3 ones.,From point of view of your audience.
�What it is ?� (quality) : Concept, obvious functions� �Why I need it ?� (relevance for customer) : Obvious problem Answer for customer... �Why this one is the best for me ?� (superiority) : Obvious superiority about proposal or entity who guaranty this superiority
This wotk in course in more confidential
It can help to check more complet and clear elments of competence and capabilityes for better recrutment.
Another project in course
A men in a suite and tie bump into a tramp with her trolley on the street The tramp ask him money. The men who don't want to waste time and money said him, sorry I have not coin Suddenly, the tramp brings out from her trolley a card reader and said him with big smile, no problem, you can settle up with American Express. American express . Pay for any situation.
In the same logic about investigation about crash of flight, the documentation can analyses some human cases in all the life for showing how from first problem like relational problem with someone we derived toward very bad situation.
Firstly, often we have no conscience how we can derive toward very situation time by time because we don't accept some past event and this this kind of documentation is for helping people to that for accepting big change in the life.
Secondly, of course, that can make very pleasant TV show like wan be TV show about air crash despite the drama.
It could be cheap and easy to be made by windows or apple because they have all brick for making it.
But these 2 companies don't want inventions from individual inventors.
Corporate project To propose new idea of project | Business ModelTo imagine new Industrial Applications Find new application capable of making your researches profitable | Marketing proposal To invent new way to please customers |
I proposed 76 health amelioration to french minister including big health thinking change and mental health diagnostics amelioration. They include in digital plan environmental health, preventive health and other thing thanks to my contribution.
I discover that thai people have like 20 kind of smile ...for thanks, because of jalousie, for saying to you they want to kill you, for peace asking; compassion, acceptation of situation...and so they speak a lot with face so I decided to do same and it was amazing for having great relation with people and I used smile in one bad situation for negotiation and that helped me in place of to be bad with people who try to scam me and for whom I have to negotiate. Now authentic smile of grateful help me for good relation in travel
I was so touched by so many attention from Vietnamese people despite their hard past and actual situation.