
SelfBolting Concept

closure method that no needs any bolt.

Since many centuries people is familiar with the use of panel to close an access. So one time. People decided to set a bolt on it, in order to block the panel against intruders. But question is “why we don’t use the panel itself to bolt it ?


Technical Result...

  1. High Security with direct contact between panel and frame on 2, 3 or 4 sides according door leaf moving choice, no embrittled panel by panel lock integration, continuous chain of incompressible elements and complex combination of blocks all around the door. Including biparting configuration.
  2. With good separation between panic exit device and security device by easy setting of standard egress device in service during time of people reception
  3. High Watertightness of exterior door face to flood situation with descendant panel and "valve effect" of panel that compress joint with water pressure.
  4. Airtightness and Gas tightness of interior door with floor surface preservation.
  5. Cheap Solution by the simplification of the whole, the miniaturization of spare parts, and the non-transformation of the panel leaf. The traditional lock was designed for low security and so need more spending for having high security because of hard design adaptation work.
  6. Large panel choice because of rough panel. User can choice any material.
  7. Light and soundproofing windows by glass frame removal that  gives 20 % of glazing area gain.
  8. Ecological effect by Less material and energy consumption in production, Best protection of goods and places, Industrial opportunity for developing countries.
  9. Good exploitation of the electronic device that can be so sold with its corresponding physical security level

...for a wide application catch and keep market with less difficulty !


This invention knowledge is for sale. SelfBolting concept is work of Georges Koussouros Freelance Inventor through Invention Office PROinvention 
Address : 76 av des Champs Elysées - 75008 Paris - FRANCE - Fax : 33 (0)1 435 907 97 -  My Vcard here.

Keyword : Armoured door, armored door, strong door, window, lock, invention, sensitive places, terrorism, murder, theft, bankrupcy, nuclear weapon, missile, police, army, defence, laboratory, bank, tradeshow, exhibition, start up, group, risk, BTEC, CCTV, NVQ, jail, innovation, NOCN, advanced manufacturing fund, obama, end tax breaks, dollars, security, home, flat, A2P, ASSA ABLOY AB®, TOSTEM CORPORATION®, Sanwa Shutter®, JELD-WEN Design Centre®, DORMA®, Gunnebo®, MEA AG®, Kaba Holding AG®, Schüco International KG ®, Masonite®, Aug. Winkhaus GmbH & Co. KG®, Atrium®, VKR Holding A/S®, Fortune Brands, Inc.®, JLL Partners®, Weather Shield Manufacturing Incorporated ®, Associates Materials Inc®, Champion Windows Manufacturing In®, Inwido AB®, wanadoo®, photoservice®, astrocenter®, wanadoo®, wanadoo®, ®, agrepi®, arseg®, cerfs-pacifique®, netcabo®, cnpp®, cnmis®, univ-paris12®, dift®, cofrac®, afnor®, inrs®, raisbeck®, raisbeck®, cierraproducts®, dynamicclosures®, industrialacoustics®, desertwindhomes®, govexec®, tiscalinet®, protectionproducts®, www®, aol®, jetlinks®, a1fenceconcepts®, abc®, customcpu®, bigvalley®, dollshouses®, satra®, webmail®, listhost®, adsa®, kdt®, middleton-maintenance®, hotron®, ingerrand®, axisautomatic®, bea®, geze®, besam®, dorma-uk®, premiersystems®, horton-automatics®, secumatic®, hotmail®, automaticdoors®, bidgroup®, boonedam®, jdurrance®, record-uk®, tormax®, adcuk®, ingarrand®, virgin®, steinbichler®, gmx®, aon®, laufschiene®, nextra®, danicek®, t-online®, ccivalve®, utanet®, kunstschmiede-schweiger®, locker®, 111®, walder®, gates®, ggv®, gesig®, guttomat®, burgtaverne-lockenhaus®, dialogica-linz®, gasthof-supper®, hostgroup®, intrex®, klymiuk®, koeller®, nord-lock®, rosengrens®, torprofi®, tousek®, netway®, mosgan®, epra®, as-tore®, bauzentrum®, becom®, brixzaun®, czermak®, dig-gmbh®, dom®, edelstahl®, ems-salzburg®, engl-tor®, falken®, firma-engel®, fortknox®, freimobil®, gager-zaun®, gate07®, gatesclub®, gateway-touristic®, gogl®, grabner-torsysteme®, huginsweda®, kleemayr®, lindpointner®, lintner®, lissy®, manfred-poellmann®, mayer-tortechnik®, muehlberger®, normstahl-crawford®, putz-tresorbau®, riedl®, sagzahnschmiede®, salomon-online®, schluessel-schloss®, scrigno®, sommer-torantriebe®, stadlmayr®, tech-gate-vienna®, tortec®, tresor®, tresorservice®, vrc®, wertheim®, wurzinger®, za-tore®, cable®, lockenhaus®, direkt®, m-reisenhofer®, mobilegate®, salzburg®, gmx®, tirol®, schmidtschlaeger®, crossnet®, simin®, happynet®, compuserve®, tobias®, topic®, chello®, schtorsy®, besam®, datler®, telekom®, zachantriebe®, krix-partner®, repacopy®, matauschek®, bures®, egf®, eunet®, baustoffwagner®, blue-s®, vol®, sallinger-brandschutz®, fenster-ludwig®, door®, dritschler®, exku®, bittenauer®, entholzer®, jaud®, use®, saibel®, wgfenster®, foliflex®, weithaler®, austro®, karnolz®, dichtungsprofi®, telecom®, sonnenschutz®, oan®, a1®, amannfenster®, at®, bauelemente-wagner®, ebo-neworal®, engelhard-recycling®, hasslacher®, hoermann®, kern-sonnenschutz®, kos®, pfisterer-fensterhersteller®, redl®, riha-fenster®, spechtenhauser®, tischlermeister®, wippro®, fenster-technik®, oderich®, sbg®, telering®, kogler®, ff®, komo®, helopal®, hasslacher®, payreder®, nussbaum®, actual-berger®, actual-macher®, adler-solux®, artaker®, a-team-montagen®, bm-montage®, bs-fenster®, cocon®, dasneuefenster®, dolenz®, dolenzsalzburg®, dolenz-wien®, ecko-alu®, elda-tueren®, estg®, fenastra®, fenster-dominkovits®, fensterreparatur®, fensterschmidinger®, fenstertausch®, fenstertechnik®, feroll®, flecker®, fleck-sonnenschutz®, freythaler-sonnenschutz®, fuereder®, glas-bau®, gruenthal®, guttmann®, hochreiter-metallbau®, holzteam®, joha-team®, josko®, kaun®, klagenfurt®, kreidl®, kroiss®, kuk-sonnenschutz®, laggner-fenster®, lehrner-alubau®, lenicom®, liner®, linz®, maitz®, martinholzbau®, meidinger®, moser-sonnenschutz®, mrasek®, murauer-fenster®, netprofessionals®, nuschei®, piribauer®, polybau®, ressl®, sammer®, schattenmacher®, scheybal®, schlosserei-holl®, schlotterer®, sonn-ex®, stippl®, strussnig®, thalhofer®, tischlerei-edinger®, tkm-fenster®, trupp®, tueren-dominek®, uchatzi®, venster®, vorchdorf®, weba®, weithas®, wien®, zalka®, zp-system®, spenglerei-koch®, radl-fenster®, nusurf®, internorm®, hamerle®, surfeu®, austroroll®, carinthia®, koeflach-tv®, jet2web®, svanda®, via®, ptm-moebel®, mf-woehrer®, ttk®, tritscheler®, haselboeck®, leitl®, majan®, w-t-g®, internorm®, windsor®, interface®, leox®, fuss®, alpa®, bizjournals®, aldenlockandsecurity®, alimax®, ameristarfencing®, home®, vaultnetwork®, earthlink®, arusticgarden®, free®, post-trib®, bigpond®, cordoors®, aviation-safety®, baildoor®, ballew®, ballewtools®, barenco®, hameil®, yahoo®, naver®, koreamail®, hanmail®, kornet®, beau-port®, worldonline®, globaldoor®, usa®, aubuchon®, ms51®, msa®, ms10®, aust®, ms33®, ksts®, ms17®, ms48®, adlament®, vsnl®, gentek®, yahoo®, yahoo®, cassidybros®, newcastle®, csl®, utoronto®, sacbee®, clearwisdom®, click10®, charter®, ccg-express®, multex®, isoc®, ttfaero®, kidsflightsuits®, hbc®, coralsprings®, curiouser®, custom-cabinet®, cvolvo®, CyberCommMarketing®, nau®, jan®, dareproducts®, backbone1®, t-shirtoutlet®, drvo®, domino-stroy®, eaglesafes®, att®, superior-elec®, faultlesslock®, fencedirect®, 411web®, dial®, engineerstools®, fevreco®, tm®, fitchlumber®, rtpwebs®, gavinjonesco®, btinternet®, alliedgate®, centurystar®, wanadoo®, aluk®, muenchinger-holz®, illbruck®, jara®, t-online®, ht-troplast®, lamberts®, essetre®, kws-online®, covaproducts®, otenet®, hoco®, rehau®, lansing®, finstral®, firat®, belimo®, fux®, glsgmbh®, helmutgoll®, gutmann®, winkhaus®, holzalu®, noblesse®, 3e-look®, accord®, achterkerke®, albohn®, alukon®, alulux®, alumil®, angel-creativ-line®, arndt-fenstertechnik®, a-w®, blank®, boll-gmbh®, bruegmann®, btr-hamburg®, cad-plan®, diemer-automat®, elgin-design®, etmmakina®, fachverband-holzwintergarten®, fensterdichtung®, friz®, fuhr®, gayko-fensterbau®, gdl-marketing®, gealan®, gfa-dichtungen®, gluske®, gold-tools®, hanno-werk®, haps®, hautau®, hawa®, hermanussen®, heso®, hewe-fensterbau®, hoechsmann®, hoehbauer®, hofmann-verlag®, homag®, hornschuch®, hwollenberg®, kawo®, kbe-online®, kepka®, klappex®, knopp-maschinen®, kochma®, lang-fenster®, linzmeier®, mv-sonnenschutz®, niemetz®, normbau®, oertli-werkzeuge®, optima-online®, otto-chemie®, polytechnik®, prefco®, pressta-eisele®, primo-profile®, proholzfenster®, raimann®, remmers®, renz-net®, rhenocoll®, roll-tec®, roto-frank®, ruedinger-wieku®, sanco®, sandtueren®, scherer-werkzeugmaschinen®, schueco®, schultheis®, schwabenglas®, sks-stakusit®, solarlux®, striffler®, sus-online®, syglas®, tebau®, thorwesten®, veka®, vircom®, warema®, weinig®, winpro-deutschland®, ziwo®, italplastick®, kasto®, klaes®, konert®, ammon®, kompotherm®, shginfo®, konradin®, maco®, elumatec®, stuertz®, aubi®, sip®, ozelprofil®, nikom®, dresselhaus®, brunox®, unidienst®, superonline®, alumacs®, pertici®, pimas®, handtmann®, renson®, soenenhendrik®, crasser®, isolar®, akzonobeldeco®, saint-gobain®, jn-public®, glasmarte®, tekna®, tgk®, glutz®, obuk®, ima®, u-r-b-a-n®, serafini®, wemaro®, afs-maschinen®, anuba®, zse-online®, Glide-Slope®, globalmind®, goldensafe®, grahsecurity®, turk®, guvenir®, hkpanel®, fremontlock®, danleycabinets®, kendra®, online®, pacifier®, teleport®, hsn-mv®, caravan®, agb®, libero®, magnificacomunitafiemme®, iol®, tin®, rete039®, tiscali®, clasa®, fioravazzi®, inwind®, soulnet®, planio®, dfdserramenti®, dimartinonicola®, ditecva®, doormas®, eclisse®, tuttoparquet®, ercofinestre®, val®, dada®, trecnet®, mclink®, fidiaserramenti®, finporte®, fiocchibox®, flexporte®, fracchia®, virgilio®, icraitalia®, intercam®, sjb®, sinergia®, infistil®, gasperotti®, 3pgroup®, alar-center®, almainfissi®, alpifenster®, ambientelegno®, aries-cantu®, bianchi-infissi®, bminfissi®, bsinfissi2®, ciesseservice®, cimainfissi®, comunello®, connecticut®, denardi®, dieffesrl®, ebanisteriacasillo®, edilcass®, elleaelle®, emmegicoop®, fabbrob®, fabbrochiaravalli®, falegnameriastet®, falegnamialfonsine®, ferportsic®, ferrerolegno®, fratellifontana®, geniusg®, gibiesse®, hormann®, inabar®, infissirossetti®, isallporte®, jmel®, lineasicurezza®, linewood®, mair-staffler®, martano-vatta®, molinariascensori®, mortec®, nardin®, otcdoors®, parteco®, peduzzi®, ponziosud®, rivieraporte®, saggiitalia®, sandriniserrande®, scandicciporte®, sidelsrl®, toporte®, torteroloere®, windows®, diemmebisrl®, netstorm®, oikos®, oderzo®, omicron-srl®, infinito®, prof®, sicilmet®, bertolottoporte®, supereva®, trep-trepiu®, dnet®, aaceworldwide®, cotswood®, huttig®, pellaaz®, rimbakencana®, netoriginals®, ikaworld®, fbisecurity®, jefferson®, juno®, aol®, whistlerweb®, iss4locks®, metalab®, corporatetravelsafety®, jcom®, faa®, koreatradeworld®, findoffer®, dimp®, TravelDesk®, FreeBSD®, online®, intertec®, gsfc®, lightedpicture®, penn®, badgeboys®, ww®, it®, lockman®, lockpickshop®, lock-um®, clickbang®, humbolt®, cs®, westmont®, attglobal®, chollian®, mzkworld®, carolinacabinetdoor®, microsoft®, Trollfeet®, megsinet®, sefco-export®, mindless®, mindspring®, mtnhome®, newswire®, turner®, airwise®, efc-inc®, mpr®, hot-shot®, erotischeverhalen®, cpnet®, tiac®, bserv®, telusplanet®, sympatico®, windoworldinc®, globalserv®, ican®, enermodal®, parentwindows®, gedusa®, unsw®, nsi®, co®, thor®, zwebs®, cableinet®, weld-tech®, lycos®, ars®, nelscomailboxes®, sonic®, packexpo®, efni®, skybus®, p-car®, performancedoor®, tenhopitkanen®, PoliSat®, mail®, zapages®, zapages®, zapages®, pride®, chainc®, lowprice-goods®, HorizonAir®, uidaho®, clubrich®, seaint®, bv®, bayouscotties®, sanibelone®, ybb®, larc®, SauerbreyOnline®, ngroupsolutions®, scbeacon®, bangkokpost®, bangkokpost®, dogpile®, malaysiadirectory®, SureHits®, seattlepi®, seattle-pi®, windowsecurity®, bernards®, securex-safes®, secureyourstuff®, gainsboroughhardware®, ezee-fix®, mail®, bestmaytag®, jandr®, toohome®, connecti®, saejin21c®, nospam®, elbnet®, danconia®, tribrothers®, smipc®, southafricatradepoint®, southord®, industrysearch®, rpchamber®, caltech®, vintagewoodworks®, styleline®, woody®, transtelecom®, kriegerproducts®, gnt®, gibbon®, fuckoff®, thanks®, team®, ihug®, ngi®, clickta®, thaibuild®, cementhai®, highproject1990®, chubb®, samart®, asianet®, universeshutters®, nectec®, tnr®, safemarkmarkhome®, ica®, galactec®, wins®, st-johns®, gate®, quakeclan®, rcn®, griffnet®, quiknet®, crosswinds®, physics®, hotbot®, unb®, banet®, spacetrak®, tnet1®, tornado-shelters®, tradewithindonesia®, travelsucks®, truckandrv®, truffulatree®, woorimpanel®, hotmail®, erols®, hartwick®, wi®, ev1®, valleytrailersales®, upm-kymmene®, cox-consult®, malung®, ovnet®, dol®, msn®, equalizers1®, TERRA®, foxvalleytech®, vfa®, mjwcorp®, biltmore®, bcsint®, email®, securesvc®, leaseoptions®, cisginc®, imagistechnologies®, iysas®, shattergard®, tcac®, flash®, aatl®, retail-security®, survivorind®, perco®, fleenorss®, globaloutlet®, safety®, crimeproofing®, safetywhistle®, advancedstatesecurity®, commandsystems®, ctlaminating®, lobbypass®, pearlgroup®, calcomsec®, securitycosmos®, kingfast®, cal2®, usa®, fenscapefencing®, williams-brothers®, isomedia®, yahoo®, AL-ISLAM®, bcn®, afes®, netwit®, presidency®, IKEJA®, mugu®, peoplepc®, tts®, worldlocksmith®, get2net®, absolutearts®, 100mb®, 1cyc®, china-aland®, 24hrlocksmiths®, asl-locks®, i12®, 4expertise®, 3bros®, 3wz®, 4x4connection®, velocity®, ltis®, 697-7878®, 7thhour®, 928gt®, 928gt®, a-1door®, a-1fenceduluth®, a1shutters®, aalock®, ttnet®, aawindow®, abacuslighting®, your®, abcfencesystems®, abc-t®, abigwarehouse®, abingdonlocksmith®, ablecargo®, ablelocksmith®, absolootbrass®, pobox®, academyfence®, accessassured®, locks®, access-safe®, acclock®, acculock®, Accu-Lock®, evolutiondesigns®, hixnet®, acelock®, acesafes®, aceven®, achieve-stylish-living®, acoon®, kolbe-kolbe®, acoredoor®, acorneng®, transpecs®, actionbullet®, actiondoors®, actionsales®, acudoracornltd®, adamsrite®, hot®, adesco®, adi-dist®, adi-dist®, btopenworld®, advansec®, xtra®, advrv®, singnet®, online®, ae®, aecasia®, aerolock®, noblenews®, coventry®, offroadathletics®, aexpertsecurity®, afencecompany®, affinitywindows®, affordablecustomcabs®, africabusinessnet®, agpgroup®, aha®, aiac®, aidoors®, steeldoorsets®, aintitcool®, AirlineBiz®, airlinequality®, airoindustries®, ifrance®, akronhardware®, alarm®, alarmfix®, AlaskaAir®, alaskavidpl®, mantraonline®, alb-showerdoor®, alessiotech®, alkuhaimi®, zajil®, sahara®, emirates®, inco®, mail2®, nde®, alliedfence®, all-lock®, allproducts®, moncton®, aloa®, computer-services®, chartermi®, lucent®, cam®, indigo®, msm®, coresurf®, eircom®, ntlworld®, iol®, orange®, elal®, aloi®, bright®, prodigy®, unison®, satx®, bigfoot®, locknsafe®, supanet®, jpcraig®, locksmith®, smartlock®, lcc®, safes®, south-bucks-locksmiths®, internetsales®, cantol®, nex®, tibus®, japan®, ms43®, mlode®, crothers®, gloslocks®, mailcity®, alphalink®, act-safes®, talk21®, wardlock®, taylor®, inter®, alpinedoors®, alsalarm®, alsfordtimber®, alshielding®, accredited-locksmith-services®, aluminum®, ALUMINUM2000®, pt®, amadirectlink®, amarr®, amaxsecurity®, amber-doors®, amdoor®, bzn®, americanarchitecture®, palkarfence®, rendo®, compfxnet®, 7quarters®, americominc®, aasp®, amimotorsports®, amishfurnituremart®, amish-peddler®, metalco®, amweld®, pcisys®, gte®, anaheimdoor®, analogzone®, anandoor®, anderbergfamily®, andreoumachinery®, andresudrie®, andresudrie®, andrewslock®, eldaran®, graffiti®, angliallocksmiths®, zincirajans®, syix®, lancelock®, antelea®, antique-locks®, omicrondev®, autolocksecurity®, apexdoor®, apisec®, opha®, appearance-plus®, applauz®, newbury®, appliancediscountcentre®, appliancediscountwarehouse®, appliedtech®, aptoolparts®, global-risk-mgmt®, aquadart®, arab®, arabsites®, traco®, weathershield®, cda®, eaglewindow®, nystrom®, clopay®, dhi®, arcat®, arclight®, del2®, aries®, ar-jay®, ark-sec®, armorlock®, armorsafe®, armortex®, arm-r-lite®, armstrong®, armstrongdoor®, armstronglock®, armyppt®, arredamenti-leder®, arrowdoor®, arrowgroup®, arrow-industrial®, arrowlock®, artfaul®, artfiberglass®, aruas®, a-sa®, asdnet®, aseania®, asecuritydepot®, empal®, anj®, asiaface®, asidoors®, asisonline®, aspan®, assuredlocksmithtraining®, astralinesecurity®, astrontech®, atlasfencecompany®, atmexpress®, atmexpressinc®, atraircraft®, atsb®, attenboroughdoor®, auntmonasgifts®, auromira®, australiatradenow®, authorlink®, netsite®, absolute1®, autoelectricgates®, automatic-home®, autotechs®, wi®, mgh®, tvbmedia®, prodigy®, pbimedia®, avinylfencestore®, erau®, netvision®, avsec®, ubminternational®, skinnycatdesign®, ukintpress®, iirltd®, intersec®, airports®, thehappyhouse®, iata®, simply-events®, scsi-inc®, worldrg®, avweb®, aworldofwood®, amberllc®, axxis®, a-zgroup®, b2bclick®, seatimes®, baber®, adaptit®, baen®, bahngo®, bakerrisk®, ballisti-guard®, bamboofencer®, bamo®, accesswest®, bansei-pcs®, bartelbee®, bastaparsons®, bastaparsonsgb®, bayerbuilt®, bayoufencing®, bcdoor®, mwsolutions®, bcindustries®, bdg®, beamish®, pacific®, cherrys®, topham99®, beclawat®, becquet®, gunrepairs®, bedroomsrochdale®, bekon-access®, bel-ka®, wf®, benchmarkdoors®, bengalpeerless®, berryvalesoftware®, mtu-net®, bersoni®, kru®, infosel®, avr®, antares®, roar®, gis®, bfproducts®, bhagyodayind®, bhe®, virgin®, bigstory®, binandstorage®, verizon®, binwin®, unitedlabplastics®, bioenabletech®, bks®, g-u®, g-u®, blackhawk7®, bladesllc®, blanchardonline®, blshutters®, bluedoorprod®, ebicom®, alo®, bobr-smp®, bofcorp®, boltongate®, bocenor®, cox®, bos-gmbh®, bossmotorbodies®, boyleandchase®, bpc®, yellweb®, bradburyuk®, ms34®, silverlineexports®, brattleworks®, mail®, brcampers®, brianschance®, barbeque-ovens®, barbeques-ovens®, pccons®, bridgman-ibc®, aircargosolutions®, bridport-aviation®, netvigator®, brigant®, brisdale®, bristolwindows®, globalnet®, brockhage®, brodeurwindow®, bronzecraft®, brook®, brothersperformance®, effingham®, brumleveind®, bsi®, asb-protection®, bti-worldwide®, scrofula®, btconnect®, budslocks®, uniquemoulding®, buelldoor®, framaco®, bellsouth®, buelldoorhouston®, buga®, begierbuick®, buildahouse®, buildbeirut®, buildcore®, builderkorea®, buildershomehardware®, friendhost;®, buildingdreams®, elp®, garaga®, SECURITRON®, koreasafes®, vinyarddoors®, buildtalk®, bulldog-tech®, bunkergroup®, burtonsafes®, klak®, business2®, netscape®, calpine®, cwis®, mediaone®, bussvc®, butlernationalcorp®, buzzmachine®, b-v-w®, norma-doors®, vicaima®, premdor®, leaderflushshapland®, dalejoinery®, bworld21®, naseej®, cabinetdoorshop®, cabinetparts®, cadinfo®, cadmag®, cairoconsult®, caledonianlock-safe®, cameamerica®, cameron®, campusstarter®, whitherjay®, canofworms®, canterlc®, cantonrep®, capecodonline®, smart®, nopon®, abspumps®, cardo®, cardodoor®, cardopump®, lorentzen-wettre®, pumpex®, swedmeter®, cargosur-express®, informa®, carlocks®, carnewal®, cybercat®, carprices®, cascadesteeldoor®, castlehardwares®, netreach®, topspace®, catcha®, attbi®, cbienclosures®, cbpp®, captainjack®, ccpdesmoines®, exigengroup®, compu®, f5®, merit®, ceciowa®, perigee®, cecodoor®, yalesecurity®, swp®, swpind®, kaynet®, ceka®, bookmarket®, ss®, centennialwindows®, teuge-airport®, dc3museum®, centor®, centurionsafeandlock®, execpc®, qwest®, iname®, mpt®, ces-cylinder®, igk®, cezam®, cf-solon®, chamberlain®, del3®, indiamart®, channel3000®, ix®, charactergates®, charleslocksmith®, checkmark®, cheshirelock®, cheyennesales®, chinabidding®, public®, public3®, china-kaixi®, 263®, china-ningbo®, pub®, china-thd®, 66daji®, chinesesource®, chiohd®, chnibs®, chubb®, chumwad®, churchillnet®, churchtown®, cido®, cybermail®, ciplonline®, ciriusmail®, bway®, cith®, citl®, Newhavenct®, city-suburban®, citywidelocksmith®, colinpaterson-orkney®, swbell®, classicdoorandmantel®, classicmfg®, claundry®, sirusweb®, anet-dfw®, sprintmail®, accessus®, airmail®, safenlock®, excite®, nmsu®, mint®, clearstar®, ansi®, locksmith®, bellatlantic®, BatesStLock®, mainelink®, s®, ncfcorp®, dyersville®, TAOL®, uswest®, direct®, newton®, nashville®, clearviewindustries®, clemar®, clemlumber®, clevedonwindows®, investorideas®, spokane-hardware®, students®, cmsecurity®, public®, co®, cobbslock®, massbusiness®, coco®, codoor®, coldandfresh®, collinsbrosjeep®, colonelt®, comforthouse®, comfortinnbellville®, notableweb®, yamunainfo®, topdog-central®, webcom®, commercialmusic®, concordcoalition®, rcg-designs®, concordlock®, conelrad®, construction-education®, containers®, continentalwindowsandglass®, controverscial®, amer-rest-equip®, doorsystems®, fuse®, jsarcher®, gateway®, gte®, cooksondoor®, appledoor®, westdoorsys®, jbmathews®, crawforddoorllc®, lensingwholesale®, zesbaugh®, alaska®, setrite®, maine®, cdc-slc®, industrialdoor®, barcoldoor®, bigislanddoor®, deltadoor®, trijack®, mail®, worldnet®, cdsdoor®, ptc-co®, omegadoor®, cunninghamoverheaddoor®, iquest®, oh®, customoverheaddoors®, cs®, jefferds®, thedoorco®, raynorqc®, thegrid®, cumminscontracting®, dupreebldg®, wstrimble®, appledoor2®, psdoors®, doorsexpress®, aerols®, appledoor3®, servicedoor®, zumwaltcorporation®, cooksonaz®, wtp®, centennialpr®, coombersecurity®, corazon®, corbin®, keyproperties®, cornelliron®, CornerHardware®, corporatesafe®, pmarketing®, cossins®, costaricaecologicaltravel®, counterpunch®, otherside®, net1plus®, countrymanorfence®, lanset®, coxsurgical®, techindex®, ashdown®, ipaper®, gibbs-soell®, cmicompany®, eol®, craigcraft®, crawford®, crescentvinyl®, crimehaltsecurity®, crlaurence®, crmayer®, crown-industrial®, cs-air®, csidoors®, csinet®, csps®, cssafes®, cupe®, curries®, curtainhardwares®, curtharmon®, customdoorsinc®, custom-safes®, eos®, cybercitysoftware®, cybertrn®, simon-net®, dacindustries®, daejin®, daeo®, daesang®, unitel®, df-sales®, bigplanet®, dallaslocksmith®, daneco®, dangermutt®, corea21®, capital®, nortelnetworks®, expertnetworkers®, dasma®, datsonfence®, RidgeStar®, dawsondoors®, dawsonsecurity®, steeldoor®, dbsdc®, dca®, ddsp®, deansafe®, gunandgame®, deansteel®, decorativefencingtops®, decoroof®, dedges®, bennersgardens®, deerfencedirect®, defendoor®, degrootegaston®, delairgroup®, deltaafa®, deltadistributing®, demil®, san®, dependablelocksmiths®, desertrat®, designandsupply®, standards®, designawards®, pellfoldparthos®, detexcorp®, detnow®, wxyztv®, dhcsf®, tcainternet®, absdoors®, micron®, spaldinghardware®, powersproducts®, laforceinc®, videotron®, aloha®, cox®, fox®, ghtech®, megaweb®, capitolhardware®, irco®, hallgrenco®, burnaby®, AandMgroup®, bestaccess®, apk®, atlas-co®, icsi®, mullinsbp®, qc®, sprint®, sdcsecurity®, effbuilderssupply®, interbaun®, s-systems®, piperweatherford®, northernhardware®, contract-hardware®, ingersoll-rand®, yatesandfelts®, hardwarespec®, simflex®, hardwarecorp®, omni-techsys®, beacon-metals®, tisd®, pleasants®, shanahans®, okee®, warrenhollowmetal®, easternbuildershdwe®, ilos®, sns-co®, walshdoor®, bldrsdoor®, lankfords®, bob-perry®, cmiahc®, dugmore®, republicdoor®, builders-hardware®, ucsh®, capdoor®, skypoint®, dealerswholesale®, mb®, cookandboardman®, olypen®, cancoast®, glewwedoors®, spargogroup®, wjmcorp®, postoffice®, dakota®, intersurf®, girtman®, ballistic®, wagstafftaylor®, shaw®, taylorenterprises®, apexindustries®, gardner-tobin®, commercialglassandmaterial®, ptlpleasants®, kamcoboston®, esgsearch®, mcleodusa®, ATTRI®, pei®, ascohardware®, caisnet®, dlcwest®, commercialhardware®, medeco®, arn®, essexopenings®, reesetexoma®, maiman®, PObox®, fallowsahc®, prospec-ahc®, wah-usa®, apva®, evconspec®, snet®, premierprod®, thedoorstopinc®, netzero®, allennallen®, ahcde®, sgfap®, murraywomble®, ctaz®, mail®, securityhardware®, planet®, agmauro-hbg®, sur®, pchdwe®, ard®, adpdirect®, assaabloy®, dlcollinsassociates®, deseretonline®, chihardware®, email®, brunnet®, jeffordssteel®, wvcp®, sdhllc®, get®, midwestdoor®, bignetl®, nbnet®, archsecurity®, lifi®, pacbell®, austin®, westernbuildingspec®, localnet®, imagearchitects®, mdhardware®, frontiernet®, firelinedsl®, pcs®, uniserve®, cdidoor®, swva®, mckinneyproducts®, cdoorsincdavenport®, rivett®, fhai®, northerndoor®, solve®, summitdoorandhardware®, rimdoor®, metrobuildershardware®, alltel®, jcryanebco®, ns®, waltersandwolf®, mnsi®, allenmillwork®, mcgregor-thompson®, brabnerhollon®, yadtel®, cal®, plm-group®, americandoorporducts®, woodardbldrs®, twcny®, agencepayette®, adelphia®, mun®, dallasdoor®, thomasdoor®, mail®, nfld®, powernet®, glksales®, rdlsupply®, maplebuild®, usinternet®, emil®, fast®, usdoor-hardware®, bscoinc®, webtv®, allmar®, mts®, arrowlockcanada®, emhh®, southernsteel®, tripeakssales®, thrasherdoor®, sourthernsash®, sk®, steeltechbp®, caribe®, pemko®, sierrahardware®, vjdoors®, sutocon®, esn®, penn-pacific®, khempco®, bestlock®, sargentcanada®, qwestinternet®, ccomm®, europa®, redrock®, key-net®, mediaone®, shore®, seark®, enid®, qahr®, dilisys®, weholtzman®, comcast®, morrisblack®, core®, campbellhardware®, bsh1®, merrimackbuildingsupply®, cdh-online®, flemingdoor®, smootassociates®, citywidedn®, ptialaska®, cookandbardman®, us®, kinglok®, illinihardware®, handbinc®, prodigy®, ubsdoors®, jldoors®, ptl®, bhcodoors®, comsenseinc®, doorcraft-tpa®, locknet®, wheelerhardware®, houstonstarr®, cpdist®, networktel®, hiwaay®, woh®, torontodoor®, doorwares®, jsproducts®, magnolia®, woodsystems®, lcfinc®, sbsassoc®, salisburydoor®, rpboxman®, isecinc®, wwisp®, igg-tx®, samorman®, skylinedoor®, johnwright®, rogers®, dhol®, pdoor®, kimbanet®, kernconsultinggroup®, clarksecurity®, chown®, elocktronics®, grandopeningsinc®, lazcos®, kernconsulting®, mdrsys®, mccarthyinc®, hutchisonsupply®, quixnet®, kmhcorp®, bigsky®, interlynx®, brosco®, chsupply®, allieddoors®, escga®, waltersandwold®, bmcwest®, magma®, mks®, stoon®, steelerdoor®, iamerica®, chapman-smidt®, doorprosystems®, agmauro®, mpssales®, sasktel®, andersonlock®, regaldoor®, coqui®, guldedge®, umco®, burgesssales®, montjoy®, intnet®, ntplx®, citynet®, vcegroup®, mauigateway®, pwsintl®, sigecom®, nettally®, cclco®, ohio®, lv®, buntingdoor®, ashassociates®, desidelaware®, specialtydoor®, norfield®, crossroadsdoor®, cotynet®, bellnet®, montgomerydoor®, iol7®, pennerdoors®, americom®, gardnerhardware®, augustasteel®, shonelumber®, mrdoorman®, midconassociates®, hfx®, lcgaskins®, phillips-langley®, ngpinc®, edm®, njstevens®, hal-pc®, transitmix®, on®, taoonline®, wherrydoors®, lonetree®, acox®, amdoor-ga®, jpwsystems®, intdoorsys®, digital®, datasync®, egress-systems®, buckeyesales®, bahoft®, trilliumarchitectural®, ard®, pinders®, wtd®, townsendsupply®, combsassociates®, corecom®, kc®, dorma-usa®, netrover®, sorel-tracy®, rnsmithinc®, seeleybros®, losch®, karlsberger®, triad®, cadvision®, total®, starpower®, midlandhw®, abts®, delafontaine®, chc-sudbury®, warnkeandassociates®, bensonglobal®, essexindustries®, dhpace®, nwhardware®, commonwealthdoor®, coastaldoor®, accesswave®, infowest®, twincityhardware®, nts-online®, kelleybros®, ameritech®, regionaldoors®, steelkrafts®, tir®, nbbj®, hagerhinge®, dmv®, cvnc®, epix®, doorsinciowa®, wentworthassoc®, hkshardware®, think®, rica®, alltel®, roanoke®, escdoors®, adamsrite®, markar®, interlog®, builder-hardware®, majesticlockusa®, clevelandvicon®, infinet®, quik®, fargoglass®, brdoor®, aassalock®, commercialhardware®, roadrunner®, basnights®, duke®, kellybros®, commonwealth®, fordmetro®, vbhci®, wireco®, escon®, kirstengroup®, agmauro-balt®, ingersol-rand®, nashvillesash®, blockiron®, mulhaupts®, kml®, idirect®, wwa®, brady®, mackenzie-group®, manginassociates®, mdsupply®, tampabay®, udidoor®, earthlink®, kscable®, dormacanada®, abhmfg®, acsi-inc®, exceldryer®, ala®, allmetalstamping®, quebectel®, bradleycorp®, clarksecurity®, bilco®, kmthomas®, executivedoor®, burnsmfg®, brocar®, carlsonproducts®, doorsbydecora®, jacknob®, conceptframes®, kncrowder®, crestelectronics®, pa®, ehfriedrich®, cal-®, galleryspecialty®, netsync®, ultradog®, jumpnet®, herculock®, dcdoors®, pipeline®, authflorence®, chipsnet®, doorengineering®, soltec®, eliasoncorp®, nlc®, dormagulf®, libertynet®, socalsafe®, preferred®, netcom®, evva®, jpm®, fibrdor®, federalmillwork®, tzm®, gerkin®, associatedwood®, entrexcan®, gapac®, grahamdoors®, bommer®, harringdoors®, basf-ag®, idealdoor®, hewi-inc®, hpcworld®, abloy®, a-bsafecorp®, accuratepartitions®, accuride®, acssite®, acudor®, aiphone®, air-lec®, aliporte®, allgoodww®, ampco®, aprusa®, babcockdavis®, baut®, bouvet®, brey-krause®, cdsparling®, chasedoors®, chem-pruf®, clinedoors®, comtecindustries®, corrim®, darex®, designshoji®, dominionproducts®, don-jo®, draftseal®, ellisonbronze®, esmet®, firedoorcorp®, fsbusa®, galaxysys®, gingerco®, haleybros®, hettichamerica®, hufcor®, instakey®, jobroco®, johnsonhardware®, keymate®, keystorage®, kim®, kristrack®, kws®, larsensmfg®, lecsteel®, lenoxsaw®, hafeleamecicas®, hiawathainc®, jacksonexit®, actionhardware®, jlindustries®, doorframe®, normentind®, karpensteel®, sbcglobal®, lagdesign®, jetkeys®, taconic®, gentex®, hadrian-inc®, enidine®, forms-surfaces®, fpldoorlocks®, karpinc®, thermatru®, ipikdoor®, kcs®, atl-cifial®, assa-abloy®, royplas®, acmesteel®, acornwire®, alarmsaf®, algomahardwoods®, alutechdoors®, anemostat®, asddoors®, bestsigns®, brushseal®, chmi®, daybar®, delt-rex®, doorcomponents®, els-usa®, escondoor®, gss®, hesinnovations®, kerisys®, keyless®, kriegersteel®, lambtondoors®, peeko®, prox®, savetheforest®, napcosecurity®, simon-says®, efcocorp®, doors-ambico®, gaf®, canadianrogers®, knickerbockerpartition®, ajwashroom®, elmesusa®, chicago-metallic®, airlouvers®, buildershardware®, hi-lift®, artekdoor®, kringloopdeliemers®, diebold®, diebold®, texasgroup®, diebold®, bankofny®, cs®, dieboldaustralia®, texasgroup®, diebold®, verdico®, dieboldes®, neo®, kinross-and-render®, diebold®, dieboldindia®, pacomsystems®, neo®, liberty-bank®, eecufresno®, firstcharter®, hibernia®, hiberniabank®, tcunet®, maxfcu®, heritageccu®, americafirst®, procomp®, dunbarton®, durston®, dvault®, dvault®, dveriunion®, slip®, dxpnet®, dynastydoors®, nda®, eagon®, wooami®, earth-house®, eastwaylock®, ebugs®, ec21®, eclipse-sg®, e-composites®, ecwuk®, edko®, eecbio®, eecusa®, efaflex®, effeff®, effeff®, ase®, tc®, eggsaladsoft®, lefton®, stargate®, EIFSFACTS®, ms9®, elandor®, email®, electricalshop®, electriclock®, electricpowerdoor®, electrotec-alarms®, elegantaluminum®, elegant-lifestyle®, bradleyelectro®, elitebuildingsinc®, elitel®, elitesteeldoor®, rediffmail®, ellceeforgings®, ellicksondoors®, elliott®, el-lutzo®, corbina®, emka®, ndf®, Emmerson-Doors®, emxinc®, EnconSafety®, endgame®, EnGarde®, eznettools®, missouri®, brunslawnscape®, ensoftindia®, envirodoor®, espero®, aol®, eprivacylink®, eraxlock®, maplecraftusa®, erieaviation®, escambia®, groupwise6®, espos®, estexmfg®, euro-america®, eurodoorsandfloors®, ardnet®, euro-emc®, turvaykkoset®, mejlshede®, kaba®, eurolockfed®, euro-locks®, 2B-Project®, mstrasser®, evkacelikkapi®, cybersouth®, dreamreality®, ussecuritysafe®, exlsafe®, usscuritysafe®, theneptuneroom®, extra-mile®, clearchannel®, extremebends®, wn®, advalvas®, f-5stormshelters®, faaborg-jern®, fabricationdesigns®, istream®, fandoms®, polbox®, fansuld®, paolos®, indra®, concentric®, crl®, oc®, vt®, paladin-press®, LOCKMASTERS®, world®, uts®, faqs®, PTC®, ncsu®, GRANTONINSTITUTE®, west®, idirect®, andru®, rtfm®, dirac®, marcusjenkins®, watson®, crusoe®, andrew®, digifix®, RDC®, cosmo®, vigra®, pw®, lysator®, cs®, shell®, fareast®, asiapacific®, hartwellcorp®, fas®, faurecia®, faure-fils®, smtp3®, wstf®, barksdale®, hvc®, felthamcc®, philly®, fenceinc®, lek®, fenceportal®, fences®, nebplastics®, fenceware®, fencewire®, ferco®, g-u®, sion®, ukrpack®, g-u®, alustyle®, cruzfer®, g-u®, g-u®, gu®, gu-ferco®, guhellas®, hakon®, winghing®, open®, skandi®, g-u®, gupolska®, procomsa®, ppp®, ferco®, ferndale®, FGSsolutions®, rayneinc®, fibertec®, fiber-x®, finishers-management®, finishing®, fireking®, firmasps®, firstudt®, firthworks®, fithomeinteriors®, fitzpatrickmetaldoors®, Elson®, fleetwoodusa®, flexfence®, flightbureau®, marketingconcepts®, tridentcommunications®, flightwatchol®, flocarib®, floridavictorian®, flyinglocksmiths®, foldingslidingdoor®, forbes®, forest-products®, forseti®, fortressindustries®, net4all®, foxstonemaltese®, fpicom®, franchise411®, babygate®, franchising®, frankoneill®, fredsrvworld®, free-market®, freepress®, freeserve®, frii®, mweb®, world-net®, fsbozone®, fsbozone®, f-s-m®, full-house®, mail®, FutureOfHomes®, futurist®, gadco®, gaiam®, sdel®, gain-plus®, deister®, GalewoodLattice®, galvplus®, fehr®, garages®, garbes®, gardall®, gardenstructure®, gardex®, netnitco®, gateopen®, mail®, gatordock®, gavan®, info®, gw1®, cdw®, gcbnet®, Sport®, pacific®, inbox®, georal®, georgettesworld®, syberia®, trainxchange®, gibraltarfence®, gienow®, pc®, glass®, glconsultants®, gliderol®, globalethics®, globalindonesia®, globalpolicy®, globalresearch®, bigpond®, globalsecurity®, bplus®, globalsources®, gmcr®, gmjq®, gmpbuildingsupply®, door-hardware®, godrejproperties®, goldenlocks®, goldknob®, goldmonkey®, jinlin®, yahoo®, gnyc®, gooddoor®, goodrich®, googlism®, gopederick®, uemedia®, pacificcoast®, sas®, icx®, ocsonline®, deltanet®, oak-web®, nornet®, sisna®, usa®, lafn®, netzero®, netside®, ctnet®, tribeca®, northnet®, lock®, thelockman®, nucleus®, sedona®, hopi®, datastream®, mbnet®, peak®, delphi®, msd®, tcac®, servtech®, trilogy®, wcnet®, sirius®, maroon®, gene®, bgnet®, iserv®, mail®, ucs®, instbbs®, Kellem®, securitynet®, avicom®, ll®, ia®, elmhcx9®, telus®, socomm®, mail®, facnet®, tgn®, pionet®, electriciti®, indy®, mixi®, evansville®, inetone®, uic®, fred®, hargray®, isys®, geauga®, ltec®, cyborg®, homer®, starlinx®, iafrica®, voyager®, io®, snet®, smartt®, loom®, ent®, onebox®, erinet®, Charleston®, wxs®, infosphere®, tqci®, cybernect®, raex®, media®, cbn®, con2®, latum®, ultratech®, utah-inter®, ccmail®, intercoast®, mail®, panix®, iag®, protect-mgmt®, wko®, frontiernet®, shentel®, northland®, gnn®, nmit®, consultant®, efn®, sc®, macau®, telepost®, pipe®, deskmic®, friend®, icgroup®, www®, maryland®, as®, snip®, INEL®, igc®, rio®, aloha®, soft®, lynx®, wpcusrgrp®, shianet®, iuakk®, lmco®, cox®, flinet®, mont®, hci®, interpath®, mail®, mhv®, oncomdis®, axionet®, mrg®, Mail®, snowcrest®, westworld®, darknet®, vaxxine®, cs®, freenet®, mail®, greenpine®, abq®, connect®, sunlink®, ott®, nmaa®, brainiac®, dowco®, myna®, voicenet®, atcon®, visi®, ALPHA®, cbvcp®, rose®, Scana®, netshop®, gnatnet®, wisenet®, pop®, freemail®, msegroup®, prime-x®, cowboy®, ma®, ime®, enter®, cyberportal®, desktop®, HUB®, lennet®, hamlet®, dialnet®, Rt66®, 1-800-pdq-keys®, wolv®, bconnex®, odyssey®, inreach®, secsoft®, iscs®, usit®, austin®, lanmail®, connect®, freenet®, courrier®, laserkey®, aol®, smtpgw1®, ash-uky®, ix®, ksu®, primenet®, eden®, netshel®, lily®, cornell®, cu-online®, philalock®, writeme®, cobweb®, Ecsuc®, surf®, bmi®, centuryinter®, icdc®, securityshowroom®, mailbox®, ccipost®, spherenet®, brown®, edtel®, kenyon®, compusmart®, rochester®, ak®, mcimail®, why®, taranaki®, qc®, dellgate®, slacc®, umassd®, clover®, pcplus-mi®, ussurg®, nsu®, navy®, mindlink®, mpx®, lexingtonlock®, wmich®, pathcom®, netwoyage®, agora®, Hawkmail®, zork®, hooked®, midusa®, postoffice®, tpgi®, worldbank®, communitynews®, safecrackers®, strasys®, nationalnet®, sirinet®, siriuslocks®, ozemail®, inforamp®, atk®, computech-online®, dixie-net®, minot®, central®, rocky®, goteborg®, neosoft®, muw®, email®, iconn®, dscinet®, freehling®, dcache®, txdirect®, planet®, infozone®, alliedlock®, CNETech®, iap®, chitown®, pop®, uscom®, gil®, freenet®, du®, global®, gallaudet®, bmtc®, express®, grahamrubber®, grandentrance®, granitesafes®, gravitylock®, greatcabinets®, greatlakesshowerdoor®, asiansources®, netivgator®, greif®, growinglifestyle®, g-s®, gtawindows®, guardianpoolfence®, logicworld®, mm-service®, guenther-tore®, telia®, abax®, bhk-teknik®, brevet®, orebro®, pavo®, swipnet®, daloc®, fellman®, polarfonster®, albint®, axalux®, glasmastarn®, alldoor®, alufront®, designadoors®, diplomatsafe®, dorma®, eabnorrland®, elitfonster®, equisafe®, fonsterfabriken®, fortress®, fsklv®, gkdoor®, hfonstret®, hormann®, hovmaporten®, htbygg®, irab®, jalusi®, jiwedorren®, jutlandia®, lenhovdafonster®, maxidoor®, mobilavaggar®, mockfjardsfonster®, morupstra®, nordicdoor®, odenfonster®, 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roofsbysts®, selectinformation®, sherwoodkitchens-baths®, skylights-of-hawaii®, somervillelumberco®, sourceconstruction®, standinter®, talericohomeimprovements®, theloganboys®, torringtonlumber®, townandcounty1®, valuetoyourhome®, VitaleConsulting®, wilbermanufacturing®, winchipdoor®, inebraska®, santafe-stainedglass®, jlcenterprises®, rure2000®, thewindowcenter®, hawaii®, frontrangesiding®, azpi®, windowman®, leingang®, sd®, RemodelersSupplyOutlet®, springfieldmill®, gci®, ebmda®, outerware4windows®, rghomeimprovement®, americanheritagewindows®, 27alarm®, 800biz®, alliedbuilding®, americanglass-beveling®, avcsecurity®, dreamhomeremodelingonline®, fenestrawindows®, grimmbldg®, nationalsupply®, rawsonbuilderssupply®, theglasshopper®, wilkewindow®, bizwind®, applicatorssales®, stlnet®, ss-siding®, safes4less®, affordablealarms®, lava®, eticomm®, rof®, enet®, windowplaceplus®, dia®, gabrielmail®, pendleton®, kellynissan®, galesburg®, engineeredsecurity®, telerama®, 3-cities®, kontagious®, 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rocketmail®, galeind®, beerssidingwindowsandmore®, ICONNECT®, actasap®, yahfree®, seanet®, securitysupportservice®, snd®, techmarksecurityinc®, bwsys®, ucmail®, annapolistechnology®, ashlandmillwork®, bassriver®, levee®, mslumber®, perfectionglass®, precisiondoorandwindow®, thedoorexchange®, whynotaluminum®, smpsecurity®, estateswindows®, hineslumber®, cin®, DABUKE®, adams®, vinylexpertsplus®, tnbuilders®, davincitrading®, kilndri®, wildernessglass®, simmondsglass®, acs-security®, fsfs®, koolbreezeinc®, your-house®, tigersecurityschool®, barronslumber®, loganrec®, bissonnette®, espylumber®, e2grow®, cros®, ddmg®, chesapeakewindow®, visitus®, abcmillwork®, desmoineslumber®, dellumber®, slplumber®, economyglass®, fflax®, goeaston®, kc-pella®, glwsco®, lindsaywindows®, hanlon®, exportassistance®, accuratedoor®, a-croofingandsiding®, ahbennett®, autumncontracting®, bordesgroup®, builditwithbrick®, carrcontracting®, certifiedinc®, colletonriver®, co-opbuilders®, csacanvas®, designinglass®, dominionblinds®, eagleremodeling®, eliteguard®, fourseasonssiding®, gcbpropertiesinc®, guardiandoor®, homeandkitchensupply®, homefrontwindows®, homeviewinc®, innerspacecabinetry®, iretonbuilding®, jarar®, maximumwindowsanddoors®, motorre®, nationalenergycorp®, newenglandremodeling®, newmorningwindows®, northlandexteriorsupply®, OnlyAmericanWindow®, patiosolutions®, peachtree-ut®, perma-construction®, PermSashAndDoor®, rocori®, sbcarpentry®, sinclairsupply®, sitemgr®, spooktech®, spyusa®, sses®, starlineindustries®, summerscompany®, wamplerandsons®, eye-witness®, highlandent®, inlandautoglass®, tebra®, jaysonlindsayroofing®, brothersroofing®, kitchenkraftinc®, newulmtel®, netset®, meltel®, larmco®, boozer®, aaronsiding®, meyerhome®, atlanticmillwork®, frognet®, caslbr®, newpro®, rufus®, abmint®, actionsecurity1®, axio®, buildingimprovements®, doorguys®, keimlumber®, kool-air®, mdglassblock®, Piqualumber®, sandersent®, trim-tech®, herald®, mullinawning®, spencerlumber®, thermalsealinc®, troutvillehomerepair®, westernwindow®, valleyglass®, dwx®, panax®, laker®, stringhamlumber®, bitstream®, addr®, lumberone®, abcseamless-boise®, mauldinlumber®, nesolaconcepts®, whatever®, bondlumber®, weathermaster-window®, acc-net®, tusco®, bayserve®, woodwindowsinc®, normschorr®, blazenet®, SILO®, ambassador-home®, century22designs®, heartland-windows®, esehome®, mbcomp®, internetx®, usa®, sorfshop®, stormwindows®, doormasters®, choochoobuilditmart®, cfw®, accent-builders®, advantagetint®, all-starconstruction®, alpinecontractors®, altaconstruction®, american-windows®, asandw®, aviddesign®, blythandshearn®, boldhost®, bollera®, brbs®, capitolglass®, cellardoors®, creativeenergyofrichmond®, dewberry®, docshomeimprovements®, glcerie®, harveyind®, holidayshomeimprovement®, homewoodsecurity®, hpremodeling®, hulseyhomeimprovement®, jhallremodeling®, jordaninc®, metroroofingsupplies®, mmdproperties®, musselmanlumber®, norfolksash®, oloughlinhomeimprovements®, pghwindowdoor®, 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paonline®, friedhaber®, Zaleskis®, rozziwindows®, washhomeimprov®, wilkesbarrepa®, windowland®, 5pts®, globalinvestigations®, fivestarwindows®, securitysol®, windowsource®, 911Consulting®, HendersonWindows®, CarmelSteelProducts®, customcraft®, thevision®, frankelbuilderssupply®, jps®, tcsn®, doorsetc®, henderson-windows®, lightspeed®, qnet®, wernerandsons®, jacksonstonepatio®, pesc®, guyevans®, glover-resnick®, c-zone®, sandiego-pi®, cwikship®, gotnet®, 1-800PROFENCE®, 1crystalwindows®, aaamckinstry®, american-1airtightsecurity®, armguard®, calwindow®, creativeprod®, crownmoulding®, dehavenconstruction®, excelsiorservices®, gallantlighting-construction®, gerardglass®, gi®, glazesoft®, goldenwestwindows®, grapevinesecurity®, highcountryhomecenter®, homeglass®, iannonesecurity®, idealhomeimprovement®, inlandempireprotection®, johnthomasshutters®, kendavidsongaragedoor®, landmarkwindow®, magikglass®, marinasash®, meritsecurity®, metalwindowcorp®, nbmlumber®, noisesolutions®, ocls®, pacridge®, psdwindows®, qualitywindowsdoors®, randolroofing®, rdandw®, sabitek®, saxonwood®, sutherlinassociated®, swdoor®, valleydistributors®, walnutvalleyglass®, wes-online®, theofficersgroup®, mcgrewpi®, selfprotectiontaishe®, okmfg®, crowdcontrol®, choicemall®, isummit®, sprynet®, cts®, santacruzmillwork®, ns®, pacinst®, 1ops®, spyexpress®, aahc®, wedowindows®, thepellco®, dotcomcafe®, eyecrime®, valleysecuritysystems®, renaissanceroofing®, awdoflamirada®, banksglass®, creativeshowerdoor®, energygard®, highcomsecurity®, hometownwindows®, idealglassandmirror®, paramountwindow®, remodelsocal®, sunscreensdirect®, windows-etc®, inlandmaterials®, provisionglass®, parkin-sec®, hughes®, actionremodeling®, ncal®, net-*®, horizonautoglass®, impresssecurity®, napaphotos®, wirelesstech®, optonline®, bowlescorpservices®, bigldist®, ocssecurity®, AuthenticWindow®, endicottlumber®, dependablehome®, teamssa®, portjeff®, el®, harbrook®, hallforest®, hevanet®, sybcon®, 21stcenturtsecurity®, aachenwindowcorp®, academytraining®, americanarchitecturalproducts®, anewlook®, atlashomecontractors®, bayridgewindowsanddoors®, blakewsr®, capitolfireproofdoor®, carnahanconstruction®, comfortwindows®, delfinglassandmirrors®, doorandmantleworld®, eaglehomeimprovements®, eescg®, eztiltwindow®, freemanwindow®, genovese-home-imp®, heightswood®, imperialsecurityprotection®, ironcity®, joeshomeimprovement®, kinglumber®, lisgo®, liw6000®, ModernWayLumber®, mpgglass®, nfbuilder®, open-view®, rochestercolonial®, secmgmt®, securecom®, solarreflections®, southcoastprinting®, townandcountrycontracting®, universalwindowco®, visionhardware®, weisersecurity®, wpmahoney®, east-shore®, isinow®, justimprovements®, usdetective®, airventalum®, pronetisp®, ONLINEMEDIA®, ptld®, leoakline®, clipper®, security-forces®, crystalwindows®, straightlinehomeimprovements®, harasvinykwindows®, csi®, froggernet®, bracedoorandwindow®, epi-eug®, fourscci®, littlefallslumber®, rbscorp®, theglasssmith®, kfalls®, howardwindow®, clarityconnect®, ferraralumber®, alarmhelp®, electriceyesystems®, albanyweb®, stny®, zumbachmtrs®, onr®, metalco®, positive®, baildoor®, belcam®, pop21®, on®, cadvision®, kon®, alibaba-inc®, ngweb®, montana®, telmar®, ns®, drzwi®, ferrum®, mckennalockandkey®, Cadroporte®, automagicentrance®, accu-Lock®, nbnet®, po®, albertaweb®, vokna®, remcosystems®, rehau®, login®, cossins®, wright-products®, cgocable®, golden®, mediagroup®, oanet®, arrakis®, inetia®, idirect®, creativedoor®, safex-zabezpieczenia®, slask®, ftbcc®, fbsblindate®, vaxxine®, gardesa®, alparsons®, allmar®, jeffs®, heads®, associatedlock®, thezone®, telus®, sears®, aldomase®, allmet®, alpinelock®, alumicodoors®, azkom®, centurysec®, circomponenti®, deninisinfissi®, directdoors®, dittaduca®, dmd®, easternvault®, fentro®, fimasrl®, ilcantiere®, label-engineering®, loewen®, melcocanada®, miralmach®, nor®, oakjoinery®, obrieninstall®, overheaddoor®, pennerdoors®, primesealcanada®, prontoporte®, provinciallocksmith®, regaldoor®, rivett®, serall®, sgfcostruzioni®, simcoeblock®, tecnopsnc®, thefencepeople®, valleyviewlumber®, vetreriamartelli®, winserdoors®, cogeco®, burnaby®, unisale®, batitel®, ventall®, beaverlumber®, apexindustries®, clopay®, rogers®, 2-unlock®, dr®, phoenixfence®, reidsironworks®, a1powerdoor®, rustylock®, alliedwindows®, almetcowindows®, chiips®, cpdist®, craigsecurity®, daybar®, fairfordbuildings®, ggwoodwork®, hi-hog®, jwsmanufacturing®, lynxfence®, pellfoldparthos;®, precisionlock®, sml®, starlinewindows®, windjammer2000®, activelockandsafe®, santuccilegno®, chubbsecurity®, coffre-fort®, jerdan®, hbsecurity®, si®, mnsi®, zdnetonebox®, pro-tectlockandsafe®, east-net®, Infopac®, suites®, windsorplywood®, telusplanet®, gerda®, atlantikgmbh®, uumail®, astra-tueren®, greimel®, aos-fiber®, real-net®, cfi®, datel®, dts-generator®, edelhoff-wire®, compuserve®, ceram®, sachs-fenster®, cermatec®, masche-metallbau®, fastron®, geerds®, de®, hedfeld®, -t-online®, weser-fenster®, r-d-m®, alusystems®, ax-electronic®, berker®, bernsdorfer-holzfenster®, biffar®, bonn-elektronik®, digitaltest®, dresdner-fensterbau®, elma-gmbh®, engstler®, faseroptik®, febana®, fefa®, feinmetall®, fero-fensterbau®, fmn®, framos®, garant-fenster®, giesetueren®, gnettner®, gradelectronic®, groetsch-fensterbau®, habe®, haverkamp®, henke®, hesse-metallbau®, hilgefort®, hilo-test®, hodapp-metallbau®, hoefler-fenster®, hoeller-electronic®, holz-undglas®, ifr-gmbh®, ingun®, intertechnik®, item-international®, kettenfabrik-unna®, kleinhuis®, korn-tueren®, kowa®, kruse®, kw-abrichttechnik®, lang-metallbau®, lasercomponents®, martin-kaiser®, mbb®, mcsystems®, meisterkg®, ms-facility®, nerling®, niedax®, noristron®, obo®, polytec®, popp-elektro®, prinzoptics®, reitz-fenster®, rhon-fenster®, ronge®, rutronik®, sachsenfenster®, schneebeli®, schnee-fenster®, schuricht®, sentech®, sibalco®, smp-online®, spelsberg®, streckfuss®, sz-testsysteme®, tabula-tronic®, thiedig®, thomatronik®, tqc®, waasner®, wago®, walter-fenster®, weresch®, werit®, weru®, wieland-electric®, wigger®, willburger®, zeiser®, zmd®, msc-ge®, nmv®, natter®, milde-hydraulik®, lantz®, broemse®, fmt®, freitaler-fensterbau®, ibscher®, krippner-bogen®, menck-fenster®, schiel-girodi®, sedlbauer-ag®, hiag®, DAN-DOORS®, ABO®, beutter®, fenster-paul®, dd®, lem®, pretema®, rms-online®, risse®, rs-components®, glyn®, tekelec®, schaltbau®, jsj®, sks-kontakt®, spectral®, metallbau-lenz®, tvs-fenster®, ged®, elcon-electronic®, roe-lo®, elbau-gmbh®, elso®, kopp-ag®, quintest®, gnnettest®, lvg®, srt-restech®, t-online;®, wiska®, sohu®, loxcreen®, wc-b®, aibboston®, securicor®, tallguy®, townley®, okeeffes®, thailandpages®, nutone®, academylocksmith®, abac®, vannoorden®, trineonline®, nicecow®, eggw®, blues®, deltaregent®, satmaa®, securaplane®, arcelor®, mustad®, sglocks®, meyerandlundahl®, decayeux®, lineone®, skyvalley®, zoom®, rks-toolanddie®, romcorp®, century20war®, dawparts®, uconn®, supra-products®, modricusa®, locksoft®, rrbrink®, look®, titanmetalproducts®, mail®, liv®, bticcylinder®, sidl®, combinationdoor®, waitrose®, securicor®, guangyaal®, imaginet®, thalesatm®, schwabcorp®, winkhaus®, public1®, securicor®, pollardwindows®, alansmail®, sibesbrass®, huber®, hol®, sauerland-spanplatte®, soss®, uk2®, securicor®, pchome®, radararchive®, hcm®, advsolar®, aleco®, amberley-security®, armor-pdi®, blindokit®, dooral®, doorhouse®, euroslot-screens®, heritagewindows®, hewessecurity®, jansen®, locksmithery®, lorientna®, lunor®, magsecurity®, marlite®, marray®, metropolitandoor®, nadcor®, nanawallsystem®, ohiovalleydoor®, olympus-lock®, pinecrestinc®, ppm2000®, presray®, rebcoinc®, reeseusa®, ritehite®, rockwoodmfg®, rockymountainmetals®, rtcassociates®, sealmaster®, seco-larm®, sentrylok®, shieldguard®, spectradecor®, stafast®, sti-usa®, stoneriverbronze®, tannerbolt®, tub-master®, ultrahardware®, vanduerr®, woodfold®, chol®, jakob®, moniteq®, bunkertrust®, electricbillboard®, nabcoinc®, securitycolutions-usa®, jomy®, ops-wing®, odice®, delco21®, nate®, ryobi-group®, tamcor®, allason®, rofu®, public®, piad®, bushinternet®, mannmcgowan®, atlantic®, k-line®, public1®, 86leada®, safesales®, corfe-castle®, mukund®, securakey®, sertronic®, securicor®, vekainc®, bdnara®, joong-il®, zetnet®, metaldeploye®, brunet®, mark-graves®, cix®, mkmorse®, tesalocks®, acadiawindows®, mail®, trapdoor®, nationalbulletproof®, standardchange®, numberall®, sitma®, var-met®, clara®, bigwig®, thepenrodcompany®, morris®, saf®, portanova®, tvsecure®, rectorseal®, gentechgse®, siewatel®, execp®, foxfield®, stonix®, subterranea®, parrish22®, 1pcsc®, fireglass®, ldavidindustries®, lors®, mbisoftware®, mcaloney®, meekmirrors®, michbidoors®, mooreindhardware®, nordenlock®, oakwoodww®, omnilock®, panelfold®, pauldecorative®, pbbinc®, poncraft®, precisionhardware®, rutherfordcontrols®, securedoor®, select-hinges®, sugatsune®, summitdoor®, techni-tool®, tomsed®, trimarkcorp®, trimec®, ultraglas®, vallivalli-us®, viscount®, youngsing®, mailboxes®, southeasternaluminum®, securicor-thai®, unicom®, fjmartin®, sidem®, autodoors®, cocentral®, dundee®, tiscali®, pmail®, foxfox®, hollowmetal®, upnaway®, sparker®, netpathway®, petkeep®, technal®, ms14®, bendnet®, tektone®, sunroc®, inet®, magiccarpet®, thaitanatrading®, teamlogisticscorp®, saflok®, titon®, mohawksign®, u®, calltsm®, starfury®, steelworks®, uniteam®, gindro®, sealeze®, citysupermalls®, srmsc®, mdteam®, westguard-inc®, armorcore®, vanachai®, qinhe®, public2®, mail®, zerointernational®, bj-ruixiang®, lors®, mindspring®, mdteam®, magsecurity®, interlog®, madawaska-doors®, majormfg®, mannmcgowan®, markar®, marlite®, marray®, mdrsys®, mbisoftware®, mckinneyhinge®, medeco®, meekmirrors®, meskerdoor®, look®, metropolitandoor®, meyerandlundahl®, michbidoors®, metalco®, compuserve®, msn®, modricusa®, sunlink®, mohawksign®, irco®, gis®, moniteq®, mooreindhardware®, mukund®, mustad®, execpc®, nanawallsystem®, nationalbulletproof®, ngpinc®, acadiawindows®, nextdoorco®, aprusa®, standardchange®, nordenlock®, norfield®, nadcor®, steelworks®, numberall®, nutone®, dundee®, oakwoodww®, odice®, ohiovalleydoor®, olympus-lock®, omnilock®, overly®, panelfold®, youngsing®, pauldecorative®, pbbinc®, 1pcsc®, qwest®, unicom®, piad®, pinecrestinc®, pollardwindows®, poncraft®, mail®, ppm2000®, precisionhardware®, premierprod®, atlantic®, presray®, prime-line-products®, pro-lok®, armor-pdi®, execp®, rrbrink®, siewatel®, rebcoinc®, rectorseal®, reeseusa®, deltaregent®, republicdoor®, ritehite®, rks-toolanddie®, prodigy®, rockwoodmfg®, rockymountainmetals®, rofu®, romcorp®, rtcassociates®, rutherfordcontrols®, ldavidindustries®, sparker®, sti-usa®, saflok®, okeeffes®, mailboxes®, santacruzmillwork®, sglocks®, sargentlock®, sauerland-spanplatte®, schwabcorp®, sealmaster®, sealeze®, seco-larm®, securakey®, securedoor®, securitech®, securitron®, sdcsecurity®, skyvalley®, securitycolutions-usa®, sidl®, select-hinges®, sentrylok®, sertronic®, fjmartin®, sibesbrass®, autodoors®, soss®, southeasternaluminum®, saf®, netpathway®, special-lite®, spectradecor®, stafast®, cocentral®, hollowmetal®, stoneriverbronze®, sugatsune®, summitdoor®, supra-products®, tiac®, tannerbolt®, techni-tool®, magiccarpet®, fireglass®, tektone®, sunroc®, inet®, tesalocks®, combinationdoor®, kewaneecorp®, loxcreen®, mkmorse®, maiman®, thepenrodcompany®, titanmetalproducts®, titon®, tomsed®, totaldoor®, worldnet®, trimarkcorp®, yahoo®, trineonline®, trimec®, tamcor®, truth®, tub-master®, calltsm®, esmet®, usa®, ultrahardware®, ultraglas®, unique-balance®, upwardor®, vallivalli-us®, vanduerr®, vannoorden®, vekainc®, viscount®, vtindustries®, armorcore®, bendnet®, westguard-inc®, mcaloney®, woodfold®, centurytel®, wright-products®, yalesecurity®, zerointernational®, bankofny®, cs®, dieboldaustralia®, verdico®, dieboldes®, neo®, kinross-and-render®, diebold®, dieboldindia®, pacomsystems®, neo®, liberty-bank®, eecufresno®, firstcharter®, hibernia®, hiberniabank®, tcunet®, maxfcu®, heritageccu®, americafirst®, procomp®, idips®, denyfontaine®, easynet®, machpro®, cirtes®, magic®, netzero®, comcast®, lockmasters®, voicenet®, lock®, keisterssecurity®, asisonline®, plaa®, d-l-f®, wxs®, euronet®, aol®, pla-pro®, eveshamlock®, erols®, doorwares®, huberlock®, hotmail®, chesco®, lps®, thelockman®, freenet®, rio®, hooked®, hci®, ix®, juno®, webtv®, compuserve®, brainiac®, northnet®, lmco®, consultant®, dscinet®, ois®, desktop®, iap®, maryland®, fast®, bellatlantic®, telus®, nosc®, io®, doe®, sc®, epix®, servtech®, prodigy®, frontiernet®, nmaa®, msn®, shentel®, friend®, prodigy®, freehling®, ash-uky®, centuryinter®, protect-mgmt®, gnn®, elmhcx9®, sprintmail®, shianet®, usa®, courrier®, odyssey®, nashville®, email®, telepost®, aloha®, iag®, tcac®, iafrica®, earthlink®, msegroup®, fedlock®, netside®, gil®, homer®, sirinet®, cowboy®, micron®, nornet®, snet®, mbnet®, freenet®, pacifier®, mindspring®, slacc®, ptc®, mailcity®, sunlink®, satx®, mail®, inetone®, worldnet®, smartt®, dialnet®, cyborg®, tir®, bigpond®, mhv®, pipe®, laserkey®, compusmart®, bmi®, uscom®, eden®, nationalnet®, dowco®, simon-net®, qc®, sirius®, chitown®, ent®, aol®, ak®, mail®, mail®, kellem®, pacbell®, hotmail®, attglobal®, onebox®, rose®, oncomdis®, axionet®, greenpine®, lockman®, onemain®, ia®, ott®, gnatnet®, pathcom®, latum®, fox®, cbn®, surf®, airmail®, bmtc®, pop®, lennet®, main®, cband®, iuakk®, avenet®, infosphere®, teleport®, clearstar®, mail®, mpx®, bconnex®, midcoast®, ameritech®, txdirect®, iamerica®, atcon®, email®, sisna®, visi®, inreach®, wcnet®, yahoo®, netscape®, ultratech®, panix®, netshop®,  compuserve®, awinc®, iscs®, brown®, siriuslocks®, ksu®, alpha®, austin®, lanmail®, ime®, utah-inter®, darknet®, mejlshede®, postoffice®, connect®, smtpgw1®, lafn®, home®, cbvcp®, peak®, ltec®, ecsuc®, ccmail®, cs®, evansville®, zork®, efn®, prime-x®, prime-x®, secsoft®, myna®, datastream®, trilogy®, lexingtonlock®, loom®, snip®, rochester®, ctnet®, hargray®, isys®, mail®, mindlink®, icx®, delphi®, 1-800-pdq-keys®, macau®, ccipost®, abq®, tqci®, cs®, kenyon®, vaxxine®, uic®, lily®, cybernect®, wpcusrgrp®, ma®, alliedlock®, hawkmail®, nsu®, tribeca®, charleston®, ussurg®, cyberportal®, ocsonline®, cu-online®, atk®, sedona®, rocky®, icgroup®, lynx®, bgnet®, soft®, netwoyage®, mulhaupts®, mcimail®, ncsu®, wmich®, houdinionline®, toad®, www®, strasys®, fred®, edslocksmithservice®, mrg®, dmv®, sas®, ozemail®, inforamp®, bright®, computech-online®, pacificcoast®, global®, scana®, dejazzd®, gallaudet®, goteborg®, connect®, pionet®, why®, freenet®, pop®, ntlworld®, voyager®, infozone®, virgin®, email®, email®, cros®, enter®, planet®, clover®, singnet®, raext®, raex®, hub®, hub®, starlinx®, globalnet®, nmit®, pcplus-mi®, express®, alpha-comm®, door-aid®, jacare®, concentric®, identicard®, pop®, taranaki®, sport®, northland®, interpath®, dellgate®, cnetech®, as®, midusa®, hamlet®, cornell®, bluegrass®, usit®, netshel®, wolv®, tpgi®, mailbox®, hopi®, worldbank®, philalock®, writeme®, msd®, direct®, wko®, adamslockservice®, umassd®, iconn®, mont®, mail®, maroon®, indy®, edtel®, gene®, daleslock®, mail®, oak-web®, communitynews®, minot®, du®, wisenet®, con2®, primenet®, ucs®, independenthardware®, ns®, avicom®, cox®, securitynet®, ll®, flinet®, btinternet®, tgn®, electriciti®, spherenet®, neosoft®, socomm®, mixi®, ix®, igc®, rt66®, gis®, nucleus®, colvin®, facnet®, snowcrest®, agora®, inel®, instbbs®, geauga®, central®, cobweb®, cadvision®, freemail®, intercoast®, gateway®, icdc®, securityshowroom®, westworld®, iserv®, media®, erinet®, safecrackers®, mediaone®, lockcentral®, muw®, fbisecurity®, locksoft®, sldoor®, swingindoor®, security®, lockshopsoftware®, aloi®, msc2000®, maingategraphics®, mlanj®, alarm®, locksmith®, banklock®, mail®, acelock®, aiphone®, asla-distributing®, ademco®, darex®, pipeline®, bigfoot®, kadlock®, mfsales®, secureit®, plsgroup®, securityandmore®, securityideas®, cctvsentry®, securitron®, securakey®, talkaphone®, techtrainproductions®, u-change®, securitysolutions-usa®, wholesalegate®, wilcosupply®, obsidian-group®, aallsafe®, charter®, aje®, dotz®, beachlockandkey®, detour23®, locksmithnet®, commerciallock®, net1plus®, pa-arng®, hhs®, pa®, daytonlock®, deansafe®, dupagesecuritysolutions®, foxlock®, sleutel-slotenhuis®, huntingtonlocksmithing®, skywaycity®, amoratech®, ocls®, pacificlock®, citylockusa®, wernerlockguard®, a-bsafecorp®, judiciary®, wunderground®, njleg®, kerisys®, multilock®, olympus-lock®, tannerbolt®, tidel®, infosheet®, newtownlock®, aol®, loc®, ordering®, jefferson®, mail®, elcorvideo®, fortunecity®, security-pro®, jmlock®, mail®, listserv®, nih®, lib®, www®, denver®, gsd®, loc®, status-systems®, freefoam®, bwf®, bre®, merebo®, cemssvs®, terinvest®, reedexpo®, ktfairs®, servintonline®, nuernbergmesse®, interbuild®, itsluk®, gu-technologies®, pollardsfyrespan®, cwg-uk®, winlock®, mila®, site®, cgii®, demista®, glass-ts®, alcoa®, speedframe®, caldwell®, rankinsglass®, aztecsystems®, steel-window-association®, roofwright®, millenco®, nandu®, lbplastics®, bmtrada®, dsl®, bbsa®, bba®, indigoproducts®, superspacer®, eurocell®, homepro®, windowware®, alumet®, kmr®, interconnectionconsulting®, hegla®, katuk®, gtikombi®, elumatec®, sfs®, brandner®, solutia®, bystronic-lenhardt®, lisec®, hanic®, davidsalisbury®, c3ssecuriglass®, abinitiosoftware®, alfas®, andywrap®, absolutesystems®, aluplast®, bollom®, chilternfire®, caliburn-software®, clearthinkingsoftware®, businessmicros®, easi-dec®, ebuilders®, ems-ltd®, exitex®, ggf®, glazpart®, kallkwik®, kfv®, minworth®, interframe®, northface®, lamitec®, ljfm®, lindman®, first-degree-systems®, kommerling®, fein-uk®, masterframe®, nustar®, paddockfabrications®, londonweb®, lgtservices®, newdawn-sun®, metsec®, pedernielsenuk®, polymer®, prefitfittings®, macrolux®, selectasystems®, eurotec®, barclays®, tekimex®, rensonuk®, regalead®, chrysalis®, uniarches®, unilaminternational®, windowlink®, uniglass®, winmac®, pstonline®, vitafoam®, reflectiv®, bwf®, bwf®, ultraframe®, portal-products®,  reynaers®, panelsplus®, jotika®, curvet®, fmb®, ashton-industrial®, dk-holdings®, bostikfindley®, dyson-precision®, willian®, ebor®, pilkington®, lsm®, ritec®, bottero®, gbr®, gkci®, interver®, interpane®, interpane®, glasstech®, glassrobots®, heinfo®, grenzebach®, finind®, iku-windows®, vdma®, tesoma®, wacker®, rohmer-stimpfig®, avocet-hardware®, shepley®, macouk®, blackmillwork®, easy-fab®, cotswold®, chemetall®, piperwindows®, fenextra®, premierprofiles®, clementwg®, hodgson-sealants®, geocel®, cego®, iga®, business®, locksinfo®, kolorplas®, wrightstyle®, johnfredericksplastics®, ultraspan®, hansenglass®, bystronic®, kbe®, sapagroup®, hfsecurite®, mmm®, yaleuk®, mpm-windows®, haffner®, siegenia®, strandexeurope®, quantal®, whiteline®, hoppe®, wagnergb®, unifix®, ag-glass®, mustang-gutters®, jackdaw®, datadialogue®, protector-tech®, pfl®, edstrom®, machineplas®, thermosealgroup®, velux®, vent®, dhu®, krplastics®, nico®, www®, rsnc®, balcaskildare®, jnc-uk®, palmermarketresearch®, barrieirons®, serraglaze®, sovereigndirect®, heritage-glass®, darbyglass®, arbo®, lorientuk®, promac®, carlf®, brettmartin®, masterdor®, richardson®, glass-training®, pearsonsglass®, oxygenmarketing®, listertf®, ableforms®, euroglas®, sliders-uk®, astraseal®, alfas®, briwax®, ukdoorpanelnetwork®, ali®, groupcoltd®, mba-associates®, duco®, ppg®, adelphiwindows®, wrap®, balticpine®, everbuild®, empiretapes®, dekura®, guns-n-hoses®, mvcqualityproducts®, leica-geosystems®, planetpvc®, patiomaster®, pbm®, npc®, sidetracker®, sarnafil®, sunfoldsystems®, pwfed®, i-d-systems®, timberlike®, test-training®, scottstb®, ashton-ind®, hurst-plastics®, bcecellular®, titon®, kbp®, bpf®, globalmnet®, gai®, rapra®, marshall-tufflex®, theburndengroup®, kmrwindows®, hallmark-panels®, healthandsafetypeople®,  bwf®, octagon®, hse®, britglass®, winbase®, oft®, schott®, themail®, bsi-global®, cladwinds®, plastmo®, bangor®, vetrotech®, bowaterwindows®, everwhiteplastics®, technal®, selectaglaze®, seac®, biat®, theburndengroup®, abloysecurity®, luxcrete®, ataa®, ventrolla®, direct4trade®, dmsltd®, xtralite®, lsleaderflushshapland®, trada®, glassequipment®, phhawkins®, ambersil®, senioraluminium®, eu®, dowcorning®, judah®, filmtek®, fendorhansen®, metaluk®, aluminium-extruk®, filmtek;®, masterdor®, west-leigh®, mannmcgowan®, profile22®, evergreendoor®, sdea®, steel-window-association®, steel-window-association®, msi-marketingresearch®, vsuk®, ukas®, scotplas®, novaglaze®, constprod®, uia-architectes®, winfit2®, construct®, plasticsplus®, tamglass®, instenergy®, twoten®, doorpanels®, premierprofile®, arp-ltd®, orionwin®, totalglass®, preedyglass®, ultraframe®, maghansen®, polykleen®, tinyworld®, vacuumlifting®, alwayse®, barrier_components®, bavelloni®, berryman-uk®, bystronic-glass®, careyglass®, chasmood®, totalise®, rsg-systems®, cryoservice®, deemak®, diamut®, donwood®, exceldee®, floatglass®, ggrglass®, asl®, cit®, guardian®, gulfhardware®, hurrybros®, biesse®, jkross®, kilncare®, koemmerling®, kr®, ljf-uk®, marrose®, decraled®, palmachinery®, phawkins®, schottglass®, schraml®, sulak®, ucb-group®, tambest®, toughglass®, tremcoinc®, ulmke®, uskglass®, wbuk®, solayr®, glaskon®, vitro®, insite-e®, 2ndcitywindows®, whs-halo®, capaluminium®, kbmoll®, daylight®, secontrols®, mbdltduk®, rmg®, domino-uk®, combilift®, alumayer®, eurowindoor®, barnsley®, metaltechnology®, roto-frank®, dti®, ribasoutheast®, bau-muenchen®, acdm®, impetusconsult®, swishbp®, royalextrusions®, neslo®, vicaima®, nuernbergglobalfairs®, haffner®, amaresearch®, dopag®, theprospectshop®, smartsystems®, theprimeconnection®, onetel®, goliathgroup®, windows®, rotherham®, re-newglass®, yalesecurityuk®, inter-city®, stuga®, netcomuk®, dpplastics®, cwg®, pro-dek®, permadoor®, dwlhomeimprovements®, aztecsvstems®, pipex®, ews-ltd®, kleentec®, camron-pr®, sherbornewindows®, meronden®, hallmark-panels®, asset-manufacturing®, sky-vent®, mbdltd®, craftscouncil®, profine-group®, peateys®, bystronic®, lenhardt®, lenhardt®, henkel®, koe-chemie®, sconto®, asset-wlndows®, unitechardware®, popsigns®, robinsons-ltd®, glass-northampton®, astraseal®, pallotglass®, glass-training®, hib®, technoform®, mt2000®, bombaysapphire®, cmpinformation®, lmcgroup®, camdengroup®, bwpda®, mail®, anglering®, artevi®, hockerton®, blasi-gmbh®, bptautomation®, cotswoldwindows®, clearspan®, dasktimber®, domain2k®, decofo®, teknologisk®, gems®, enitor®, fischer®, howarth-timber®, foodstandards®, hagen®, harperchalice®, keyprint®, lodan®, force8®, gliderol®, ljpratley®, pro-tec®, ravenscroft®, romag®, riversmachinery®, northerncullet®, armers®, stmvinduer®, lefevere®, ubbink®, twinfix®, vistamatic®, mercuriurval®, pressplantravel®, messe-duesseldorf®, sfsintec®, vitrum-milano®, mbd-ltd®, aifas®, sealstrip®, epwin®, ejot®, fasciamania®, loewen®, jprice-group®, mm®, raico®, rushentrances®, veka®, juicyglass®, rupertscott®, philippaprinsloo®, optimaglass®, aluminiumimaginationawards®, acyule®, fabnfix®, selectwindows®, visiongroup®, palram®, speed®, citylockusa®, hamiltonpacific®, armorsecurity®, chugach-wi®, cwnet®, netzero®, thrifty®, algxmail®, marianastrench®, warwick®, mynetrocks®, bakers®, tyler®, itf-group®, safemasters®, allied-security®, asalocksmith®, richmondsecurity®, mondaycorp®, mtaonline®, iglide®, service®, lycos®, nycap®, meagheroil®, step®, blueskysafes®, volknit®, pop4®, photot®, gbronline®, otisp®, phtotot®, advancedsafe®, fulton-net®, sunflowerbank®, starfleet®, bytehead®, nep®, goodyear®, bluesafedoor®, americansafe®, wisconsinscrappers®, alumni®, global®, e1w®, partydjs®, ozarkmountains®, big-river®, canada®, ca®, aci®, ainop®, nemonet®, netburner®, gt®, comcast®, tedesk®, ccahg®, ameripost®, navigata®, lycos®, yhahoo®, citlink®, interope®, smmct®, eastman®, eudoramail®, dmci®, ipa®, dotnet®, graham-smith®, tds®, bctonline®, bobkemp®, wuphys®, myself®, cognisurf®, cpintenet®, iccores®, novareseinc®, nhresearch®, thehartwellcorp®, mchsi®, elberton®, summum®, cablelynx®, rabun®, teaminfocus®, daktel®, pacificnet®, ar15®, wowmail®, youcouldlivehere®, rural-com®, cpinternet®, tellmfg®, iinet®, zoomtown®, buffnet®, wpcs®, oit®, stargtr®, entergy®, llnl®, missvalley®, d-c®, grm®, athenet®, oneonta®, ci®, stratiserv®, mail®, westfieldnj®, msc®, connieerickson®, dpatraining®, defiantsafe®, bhcs®, diverseylever®, duluth®, best-service®, redmond®, db®, sitestar®, nut-n-but®, ncnets®, c-gate®, sitlink®, colusanet®, blueyonder®, netcabo®, txucom®, insigniainc®, obnova®, bearlock®, bauerpublishing®, wallstreetnewscast®, provide®, cavtel®, infi®, f1tech®, megalink®, gii®, spambot®, centurytel®, parlopcity®, americanofficel®, mskcc®, timmis-inman®, esl®, 1st®, esdel®, wings®, empiredistrict®, aol®, nanhall®, tiscali®, sierra®, lightbound®, kempinski®, dvdol®, hhiltonloscabos®, wow®, zoomnet®, oilstates®, houston®, portup®, xtn®, tpgglass®, axe®, itctel®, infosel®, beehive41®, ultradsl®, volcano®, bresen®, odayequipment®, mobiletel®, magplastics®, paradise®, kesslers®, custserv®, hotmal®, plains®, cablenett®, sccoast®, wspan®, emotors®, 3mawcpen®, intercom®, hypertherm®, tycoelectronics®, loganutah®, sltnet®, hsd®, brightok®, sno®, elroynet®, 88triangle®, sc®, creekstones®, ccconline®, daimlerchrysler®, whitestar®, ntlwprld®, nhyoko®, ssp®, scanlockusa®, pre-lock®, pentagon®, leafstone®, webzone®, maxminn®, worldaccessnet®, lakewood®, scc®, wayland®, papadocs®, eclipse®, totalzone®, bigpond®, itlnet®, ifriendly®, ctesc®, jus®, fs®, hotsprings®, bj®, freewwweb®, epa®, trencor®, icr®, montrose®, huntingtonlocksmithing®, hess®, ulster®, sound®, navix®, jtf170®, complink®, shellus®, lsuhsc®, stoutinternet®, happypuppy®, lycos®, worldnet®, keistersecurity®, shoalhaven®, iwinet®, compuplus®, kustomkey®, peterson-international®, demanda1®, asla-distributing®, bullseyesdlocks®, framon®, howardsales®, bankersstore®, kdllink®, keymachine®, marksusa®, safe-tech®, pla-pro®, plsgroup®, time-master®, yankeesecurity®, uslock®, alca-online®, aol®, acme-brain®, iail®, njla®, wt®, do®, inlandata®, lehigh®, emcorgroup®, astm®, tidalwave®, locksco®, ysgsecurity®, security®, ctv®, worldclasslocks®, cannelladesign®, nyberglock®, hudsonvalleylocksmith®, us®, discountnutritiondirect®, ultraslimbody®, windermere®, ebay®, liporexin®, rugman®, kansasvideo®, savesave®, celebrium®, saveudollars®, marfino®, outletcomputer®, abus®, segallock®, assalock®, idncanada®, jovanlock®, mcgregor-thompson®, apa-pelletier®, craftmaster®, baldinos®, techsalesinc®, idnacme®, mcdonalddash®, bockert-inc®, hjc®, asrsales®, powerinter®, jtnet®, crestlock®, usaor®, hardingsecurity®, calvertsafeandlock®, academylockandkey®, stewarts-security®, net1®, visuallink®, nponline®, busprod®, kwiklocks®, myexcel®, brazosnet®, logantele®, fort-stockton®, thelocksmith®, lock®, genese®, nospam-budzsack®, bye®, jkl®, testemail®, testy®, tehuacan®, who®, aa®, equusexpress®, ripinternet®, parkit®, nospam®, nzmcnews®, test®, searcysports®, patmedia®, onemoreaugust®, sararamirez®, worstwitch®, bristol-city®, gamer®, insightbb®, ttelia®, hct®, facesphotocontest®, idontthinkso®, digitalpath®, ainewcombe®, ainewcombe®, uws®, jjj®, erfe®, no®, blah®, butno®, none®, usvisasolutions®, love®, catnip®, b®, nohost®, rayfords®, webworldinc®, commercialdoor®, capitoldoor®, rhondaflopez®, sierrapacificconsulting®, mcbridedoor®, smythlumber®, atlasshardwarecorp®, tmail®, agmaurofla®, swfla®, cfl®, kaa®, mooredoors®, southerngf®, doorsincdavenport®, cableone®, comcost®, lensing®, ndhonline®, crocker®, architecturalhardwaresolutions®, russellhardware®, ssoe®, kendelldrs®, tchco®, bellshouth®, martin-architectural®, beesonhardware®, bruchmarketing®, rrcarolina®, advancedoorsupply®, stanleyworks®, teambsh®, eggersindustries®, bdhok®, DPLUS®, newhollandconcrete®, sandstromassociates®, sio®, dillarddoor®, americandoorproducts®, satx®, ashtonmarketing®, gntech®, pmhi-wi®, accesswave®, capsafe®, knells®, ard®, mtremblay®, quintech®, mtrmblay®,

AAMA - American Architectural Manufacturers Association is a trade association of firms engaged in the manufacturing and sale of architectural building components and related products.

Absorptance - The ratio of radiant energy absorbed to total incident radiant energy in a glazing system.

Acoustic Windows - Windows used to help reduce the amount of sound that enters the home.

Acrylic - A general purpose glazing material with excellent optical clarity, weather durability, good chemical resistance and thermoformability.

Active Leaf - Usually the first operating leaf in a door having a pair of leaves; the leaf to which the latching or locking mechanism is attached.

ADA Threshold - A wheelchair-accessible door threshold. This type of threshold is not to exceed 3/4" in height for exterior sliding doors or 1/2" for other types of doors.

Aerogel - A microporous, transparent silicate foam used as a glazing cavity fill material, offering possible U-values below 0.10 BTU/(h-sq ft-°F) or 0.56 W/(sq m-°C).

AIA - American Institute of Architects.

AIF - Acoustic Insulation Factor, a sound-transmission measure used in Canada.

Air Infiltration - The amount doors (the lower, the better) of air leaking in and out of a building through cracks in walls, windows.

Air Leakage - The volume of air which flows through a closed window or door in a given length of time as a result of the difference in air pressure on its opposite faces.

Allowable Stress - The maximum unit stress permitted under working loads by codes and specifications.

Alloy - A composition of two or more metals to obtain a desired property.

Ambient Temperature - Temperature at a given set of environmental conditions. Typically, the surrounding localized air temperature.

Anchor - Any device used to secure a building part or component to adjoining construction or to a supporting member.

Anneal - To soften a metal piece and remove internal stresses by heating the piece to its critical temperature and allowing it to cool very slowly.

Annealed Glass - Glass that has not been heat-treated and is essentially strain free; often referred to as " float glass."

Annealing - Heating above the critical or recrystallization temperature, then controlled cooling of metal, glass, or other materials to eliminate the effects of cold-working, relieving internal stresses, ductility, or other properties.

Anodic Coating - The surface finish resulting from anodizing. Coatings may be produced by clear, integral color or electrolytically deposited color processes. Also see Anodize.

Anodize - A process that provides a hard durable oxide film on the surface of aluminum. This coating can produce coloring and finishing that both protects and beautifies the aluminum.

ANSI - American National Standards Institute is an independent association of trade organizations, technical societies, professional groups and consumer organizations which establishes and publishes standards at the national level.

Apron - The finished board placed against the wall surface immediately below a window stool.

Arch Window - Half-circle picture window.

Argon - An inert, non-toxic gas used in insulating glass units to reduce heat transfer.

ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers.

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers.

ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials. A nonprofit organization that establishes standard tests and specifications for construction materials; such tests and specifications usually are referred to by the abbreviation ASTM followed by a numerical designation.

Astragal - The center member of a double door, which is attached to the fixed or inactive door panel.

Attenuation - Reduction in strength of sound measured in decibels (dBs).

Automatic Operator - Power-operated, door-activated device and control, actuated by approaching traffic or remote switch.

Awning Window - A type of window with a top-hinged sash that swings out at the bottom.

Back Bedding - The process of adhering and sealing glass to a frame or sash.

Backer Rod - A round, compressible material, either open or closed cell, that’s placed into voids between materials to insulate and allow a backing for the application of sealant.

Baffle - A material used in windows and doors to impede the flow of water or air into the framing system through weep slots.

Balance - A mechanical device (normally spring-loaded) used in single- and double-hung windows as a means of counterbalancing the weight of the sash during operation.

Balance Shoe - Nylon hardware that slides in hung window jambs and connects the balance with the sash.

Bay Window - A composite of three windows, usually made up of a large center unit and two flanking units at 30- or 45-degree angles to the wall. A bay projects from the wall of the structure.

Bead - A molding or stop placed around a window frame to hold the glass in place by pressure.

Bearing Wall - A wall that supports loads in addition to its own weight.

Billet - A cylindrical-shaped section of aluminum alloy used as the starting stock in an extrusion.

Bite - Distance by which the inner edge of the aluminum frame glazing pocket or stop overlaps the glass. Also termed purchase, edge cover or engagement.

Bituminous Paint - A low-cost paint containing asphalt or coal tar used to isolate aluminum from mortar, concrete or masonry.

Block Frame - Non-finned frame that can be used as new or retrofit installation in a block (concrete) wall application or as a wood window replacement frame.

BOCA National Codes - A series of performance-oriented model A series of performance-oriented model codes responsive to the latest advancements in construction technology. Building Officials and Code Administrators (BOCA) International, Inc. was founded in 1915. Area of influence: Northeast region of the U.S. Replaced by ICC codes.

Bond - The joining together of building materials to ensure solidity.

Bond Breaker - A release type of material used to prevent adhesion of the sealant to the back-up material.

Bottom Rail - The bottom horizontal member of a window sash.

Bow Window - A composite of four or more window units in a radial or bow formation gently curved contour. Bow windows also project from the walls of the structure.

Brake Metal Shape - Aluminum sheet stock bent or "broken" to desired shape, as required by specific job conditions, on a power or manual press brake. This shape is often used to cover conditions which cannot be covered by a stock extruded aluminum shape.

Brick Molding - A standard trim piece that covers the gap between the window frame and masonry.

Btu (B.T.U.) - An abbreviation for British Thermal Unit, the heat required to increase the temperature of one pound of water one-degree Fahrenheit.

Bull Nose - Convex rounding of a member, such as an extruded aluminum snap-on radius face cover used on aluminum-curtain walls.

Butt Hinge - A hinge designed for application to the edge of a door consisting of two rectangular metal plates joined together with a pin.

Butt Hung Door - A door hung on butt hinges.

Butt Joint - A meeting of two members squarely.

Butyl - A synthetic rubber formed by the co-polymerization of isobutylene with isoprene. It is used as a sealant and as an architectural glazing tape.

Cantilever - A beam, girder or truss overhanging one or more supports.

Casement handing - Side that the hinge in on. For residential windows, the hinge side is looking from the outside. For commercial windows, the hinge side is looking from the inside.

Casement Window - The whole sash swings in or out from the jamb of the window and it either uses a crank-out system or a friction system of operation. It’s the best window choice for catching breezes and providing cross-ventilation.

Casing - Exposed molding or framing around a window or door, on either the inside or outside to cover the space between the window frame or jamb and the wall.

Caulking - Sealants used to seal fixed and movable construction joints to prevent infiltration.

Center of Glass - All-glass area of a window except that within 2.5" (10cm) from the edge of the glass – used in measuring and calculating glazing performance such as R-values and U-values.

CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute.

Chamfer - To bevel a sharp external edge. A beveled edge.

Check Rail - The bottom horizontal member of the upper sash and the top horizontal member of the lower sash which meet at the middle of a double-hung window.

Cladding - An exterior covering or skin applied to framing or a structure for aesthetic or protective purposes.

Clerestory Window - A window placed vertically in a wall above one's line of vision to provide natural light -- often at the intersection of two offset roof planes.

CMR - Centerline of Meeting Rail – a reference line used to locate integral mullions and/or size oriel (unequal) sash, e.g., "the height of the lower sash shall be 22" from the frame sill to CMR."

Column - A structural vertical compression member. It is usually a long and slender post or pillar.

Compatibility - The ability of two or more materials to exist in close and permanent association for an indefinite period with no adverse effect on one another.

Composite Frame - A frame consisting of two or more materials; For example, a white interior with a beige exterior.

Compression Gasket - A method of securing the glass into the aluminum frame glazing pocket by using a soft gasket on one side of the glass and a firm, dense gasket called a wedge on the other. Also see Wedge Glazing.

Condensation - The change of a gas to a liquid state. Because warm air can hold more water vapor than cold air, as warm air cools, its ability to hold water vapor is reduced. Excess moisture condenses on the warm side of glass. E.g., condensation on the outside of a glass of ice water.

Condensation Gutter - A trough for carrying off condensed or infiltrated water; this may be drained to the exterior or allowed to evaporate.

Condensation Resistance F - Condensation Resistance Factor (CRF) measures the ability of a product to resist the formation of condensation on the interior surface of the product.

Conduction - A process of heat transfer whereby heat moves directly through a material by molecular agitation. The handle of a cast-iron frying pan becomes hot due to conduction.

Conductivity - The transfer of heat through a given material – see U-value which is the measure of conductivity, the inverse of R-value.

Convection - A heat-transfer process involving motion in a fluid (such as air) caused by the difference in density of the fluid and the action of gravity. Convection affects heat transfer from the glass surface to room air as well as between two panes of glass.

Cope - To notch an aluminum-framing member such as a channel, etc. so that another member may be fitted against it.

Coped Joint - A joint between two aluminum-framing members where one extrusion is cut to the profile of the second.

Cottage Double-Hung - A double-hung window in which the upper sash is shorter than the lower sash.

Counter bore - To enlarge a hole to a given depth.

Countersink - To form a depression to fit the conic head of a screw or the thickness of a plate so that the face will be level with the surface.

CR - Condensation factor determined using NFRC 500-2004. A relative indicator of a fenestration product's ability to resist the formation of condensation at a specific set of environmental conditions.

Crack Length - Total outside perimeter of a window sash/vent; no longer used to define the AAMA air-infiltration rate.

Crazing - Minute cracks in a surface or coating caused by force bending a material, such as aluminum, beyond the recommended minimum radius.

CRF - Condensation Resistance Factor is a rating number obtained under standard-test conditions which allows a prediction, within reasonable accuracy, of the ability of a window, door or glazed wall to resist the formation of condensation on interior surfaces (Higher CRF value indicates better performance).

Cripple - A short stud located under the rough sill or above the header.

CSI - Construction Specifications Institute.

Curing - The process of allowing sealants to dry and harden over a given period of time.

Curtain Wall (Aluminum) - An exterior building wall which carries no roof or floor loads and consists of a combination of aluminum, glass and other surfacing materials supported by the aluminum framework.

Custodial Lock - Window hardware only operable with a tool or key.

Cylinder - The cylindrical mechanism has a keyhole which receives the key used to operate a locking mechanism.

Cylinder Cam - Usually refers to the flat metal plate on the end of a mortise type cylinder which actuates the lock mechanism when rotated by the key.

Cylinder Guard - Hardened protective shield designed to prevent unlawful entry by forcefully twisting and removing the cylinder.

Cylinder Ring - Spacing collar to accommodate longer cylinders.

Daylight Transmittance - The percentage of visible light that glazing transmits through a window – a standard clear dual pane without considering whether a window frame has a daylight transmittance of 82%.

De-bridging - The process whereby the aluminum-bridge web connecting the exterior and interior portions of the extruded thermal-break cavity is removed either by milling or sawing after the polyurethane has cured.

Dead Latch - A latch bolt having an auxiliary feature which prevents its retraction by end pressure when in a projected position.

Dead Lock and Latch - A hardware item containing both a deadbolt and latch bolt.

Deadload - A static applied load. A load without movement.

Decibel - Unit used to measure sound. The human ear can normally detect a decibel change of 1 to 3. Normal conversation is around 60 dB while a 747 jet at takeoff is around 125 dB.

Decibel Loss - A measure of reduction of sound.

Deflection - The measure of movement of a member from its static position when subjected to loads.

Degree Day - A unit that represents a one-degree Fahrenheit deviation from some fixed reference point (usually 65° F) in the mean, daily outdoor temperature. See also heating degree day.

Desiccant - An extremely porous crystalline substance used to absorb moisture from within the sealed air space of an insulating glass unit.

Design Load - The project wind load to be determined by the architect and expressed in psf. Windows ratings are determined using AAMA 101/I.S.2/A440-05.

Designation Number - Prescribed by AAMA. One for each window style. It provides a code for architectural selection, e.g., a single hung 6220 = H-R20 = Single Hung - Residential Grade - 20 psf Design Pressure.

Dewpoint - The temperature at which water vapor in air will condense at a given state of humidity and pressure.

Divided Light - A window whose glass is separated by true divided lite (see TDL), simulated divided lite (see SDL) or by muntins.

Door Backset - Dimension from the face plane of door to the face plane of frame.

Door Clearance - The margin of clearance around the edge of a door, between door and frame.

Door Closer - A device or mechanism to control a door during its opening and closing cycle; may be overhead or floor mounted and either exposed or concealed.

Door Frame - An assembly of members, consisting of jambs and a header, into which a door or doors fit when closed. The door frame may also include transom lights and adjacent sidelights. Also see Threshold.

Door Handing - Determined by placing your back to the hinge jamb. If the door swings to your left it is a left-handed door.

Door Holder - A hardware device designed to limit the swing of a door and hold it in an open position.

Door Jamb - One of two vertical members of a door frame. The hinge jamb is the jamb to which the hinges or pivots are mounted; the lock jamb is the jamb at the leading edge of the door where a lock bolt may be engaged.

Door Light - The glass area in a door.

Door Opening - The opening dimension of a doorway is measured from inside of jambs and from floor line to underside of frame header. The opening size is usually the nominal door size and is equal to the actual door size plus clearances and threshold height.

Door Size (Actual) - The actual width and height of the swing door leaf.

Door Size (Nominal) - See Door Opening.

Door Stop - a) A molding or projecting element on a door frame which overlaps the edge of a door, causing it to stop in its closed position. b) A bumper mounted on the floor or wall to limit the extent of the door opening. c) An accessory feature of a door holder.

Dormer - A space which protrudes from the roof of a house, usually including one or more windows.

Double Glazing - In general, two thicknesses of glass separated by an air space within an opening to improve insulation against heat transfer and/or sound transmission. In factory-made double-glazing units, the air between the glass sheets is thoroughly dried and the space is sealed airtight, eliminating possible condensation and providing superior insulating properties.

Double-Acting Door - A door equipped with hardware that permits it to swing in both directions from the plane of its frame.

Double-Hung Window - A window consisting of two sashes operating in a rectangular frame, in which both the upper and lower halves can be slid up and down. A counterbalance mechanism usually holds the sash in place.

Double-Strength Glass - Sheet glass between 0.115" and 0.133" (3­3.38 mm) thick.

Drip Mold - An exterior molding (extrusion or brake shape) contoured for controlling or deflecting dripping water.

Dry Glazing - A method of securing glass in a frame that uses pre-formed resilient gaskets instead of a wet sealant or glazing compound.

Dual Durometer - A material that has two or more levels of flexibility.

Dual Window - Two windows joined together, one in front of the other, to provide superior sound control.

Durometer - An instrument with a blunt probe used to measure the hardness of elastomeric glazing gaskets and setting blocks on a scale of 0 to 100. Also see Shore A.

E E.P.D.M - (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) is a type of elastomeric material which has excellent resistance to ozone, sunlight, and severe weather conditions and is ideal for outdoor service.

Edge Blocks - Short lengths of elastomeric materials located at one or both sides of a glass light to limit lateral movement ("walking") caused by horizontal expansion/contraction, minimal building sway or other factors.

Edge Clearance - The dimension between the edge of the glass or panel and its surrounding frame which is measured in the plane of the glass or panel.

Edge Cover - The dimension by which the inner edge of the frame or stop overlaps the edge of the glass or panel.

Edge Effects - Two-dimensional heat transfer at the edge of a glazing unit due to the thermal properties of spacers and sealants.

Edge of Glass - The glass area within 2 1/2" (10cm) of the edge of a window.

Egress - Exit or way out.

Egress Window - A window meeting certain size requirements for egress. The size is determined by national or local building codes. Typically, the rule is 5.7 sq. ft. of clear opening, 20" minimum clear width and 24" minimum clear height.

Elasticity - The condition or property of being elastic; flexibility.

Elastomeric Material - A term often used for rubber and polymers that have properties similar to those of rubber. Thermal break polymers having the elastic properties of natural rubber.

Electrochromics - Glazing with optical properties can vary continuously from clear to dark with a low-voltage signal. Ions are reversibly injected or removed from an electrochromic material, causing the optical density to change.

Electrolysis - Chemical decomposition of a metal surface by the action of dissimilar metals and moisture.

Electromagnetic Spectrum - Radiant energy over a broad range of wavelengths.

Electrostatic Painting - A painting process by which the aluminum is grounded and the paint carries a positive electric current. This creates a magnetic attraction between the paint and the aluminum, allowing for uniform paint coverage on all exposed extrusion surfaces.

Emergency Exit Window - Fire escape window (egress window) large enough for a person to climb out. In U.S. building codes, each bedroom must be provided with an exit window. The exact width, area, and height from the floor are specified in the building codes.

Emergency Release - A safety device other than panic hardware which permits egress through an entrance door under emergency conditions.

Emissivity - Emission, or the ability to radiate heat in the form of long-wave radiation.

Emittance - The ratio of the radiant flux emitted by a specimen to that emitted by a black body at the same temperature and under the same conditions.

End Dam - Used to close the ends of a subsill, so water will not leak out of the ends. It makes the subsill a complete water trough allowing it to collect excess water and drain it to the exterior.

Entrance - The doorway, vestibule or lobby through which one enters a building.

ER Rating - Energy rating number developed by the CSA (Canadian Standards Association) to compare the thermal performance of windows. Measured in watts per square meter (W/m2).

Escutcheon Plate - Back plate for handles and deadbolts.

Exterior Glazing - A method in which glass is secured in an opening from the exterior of the building.

Extrudability - This term is used to compare the relative resistance of different alloys and/or shapes to deformation in the extrusion process and is usually based on pressure required and attainable extrusion speed.

Extrudability Limits - A set of guidelines established by the Aluminum Association which provides limits on the production of extrusions. Dimensional tolerances, gap-width ratios, extrusion factor and circumscribing circle are examples of these limits.

Extruded Aluminum Shapes - There are two basic types of extruded shapes: Solid Extrusion - Any extruded shape other than a hollow or semi-hollow shape. Semi-Hollow Extrusion - An extruded shape where any part of the cross section partially encloses a void. The area of the void bears a fixed ratio to the square of the gap as shown in published tables developed by the Aluminum Association.

Extrusion - The metal-fabricating process by which a heated aluminum billet is forced to flow through a hole in a steel die of the desired shape. Also see Extrusion Press.

Extrusion Circle Size - This is represented by the diameter of the smallest circle that will completely enclose the aluminum extrusion. For a die with two or more holes, the diameter of the smallest circle that will enclose all the holes in the die is designated as the layout circle. Also see Extrusion Side Wall Clearance.

Extrusion Die - A steel plate or forging having a hole of the desired extrusion shape through which the aluminum is forced to flow. The die is specially machined to control the flow of metal.

Extrusion Die Support Too - These include the steel die ring, die backer, bolster and sub-bolster and have the purpose of supporting the die against the very high pressures of extrusion and transferring these forces to the head of the press.

Extrusion Factor - The numeral representing this term is the ratio of the perimeter of an aluminum extrusion to its weight per foot. It is a measure of the complexity of an extruded shape represented on the die drawing. Thin wall sections have high factor numbers and are more difficult to extrude. A solid round section has the lowest factor and would require less extrusion pressure than a more complicated shape with a high factor but an equivalent weight per foot.

Extrusion Press - A hydraulic press used for forcing heated aluminum ingots (billets) through a hole in a steel die of the desired shape.

Extrusion Pressure - The pressure available for aluminum extrusion is determined by dividing the press capacity in pounds by the cross-sectional area of the bore of the container in square inches.

Extrusion Ratio - This is determined by dividing the cross-sectional area of the bore of the container by the sum of the cross-sectional areas of the holes in the die. It is the measure of the deformation required to reduce the aluminum billet size to the extrusion size.

Extrusion Side Wall Clear - One-half the difference between the container diameter and the layout circle. This clearance is necessary to avoid feed-in of the liquated outer surface of the extrusion billet or of the skull that may adhere to the wall of the container. Greater side wall clearances are specified for extrusions with very critical surface requirements. Also see Extrusion Circle Size.

Eyebrow Windows - Picture windows that are segments of circles rather than arch windows which are half circles.

Fabricate - To cut, punch and subassemble members.

Facade - The exterior face of a building, especially the principal face.

Face Clearance - The dimension measured between the face plane of a light of glass or panel and the nearest face of its retaining frame or stop.

Fasten - To mechanically attach components together with fasteners such as screws, bolts, pins, nails, hooks, etc.

Fenestration - The arrangement and proportion of window and door openings in a building.

Fiberglass - A composite material made by embedding glass fibers in a polymer matrix. May be used as a diffusing material in sheet form, or as a standard sash and frame element.

Fin Seal - A form of pile weatherstrip that has a plastic mylar fin centered in the pile. This fin reduces air infiltration and ensures weatherstrip contact throughout the window's life.

Finger Guard - A closure strip of soft material such as rubber or plastic, which is applied at the edge of a door or to the pivot jamb adjacent to a door. It is designed to prevent damage to hands or fingers inserted between door and frame.

Finger-jointing - A means of joining individual pieces of wood together to form longer lengths. The ends of the pieces are machined to form a set of interlocking fingers, which are then coated with adhesive and meshed together under pressure.

Finish Hardware - Exposed hardware such as hinges, pivots, locks, etc. that has a finished appearance as well as a function used with doors and windows.

Fixed Light - A pane of glass installed directly into non-operating framing members; also, the opening or space for a pane of glass in a non-operating frame.

Fixed Panel - An inoperable panel of a sliding glass door or slider window.

Fixed Window - Fixed windows are not intended to open for ventilation or egress. There are no moving parts, hinges or latches. They consist of a glazed frame or a fixed sash and frame. Fixed windows are usually more air tight than windows that open. Also called Picture Window.

Flange Frame - A window frame with the head, jamb, and sill exterior perimeter leg longer than the interior perimeter leg. Also called Flush Fin.

Flashing - Sheet Material that bridges and protects the joint (gap) between the window or door frame members and the adjacent construction for the purpose of preventing water penetration by draining water away from the window or door.

Flat Filler - An extrusion which snap fits into a mating vertical or horizontal member to provide a continuous flat surface.

Float Glass - Glass formed by a process of floating the material on a bed of molten metal. It produces a high-optical-quality glass with parallel surfaces, without polishing and grinding.

Flush Bolt - A pair of rods or bolts that are mounted flush with the edge or the face of the inactive door to lock the door to the frame at head and/or sill. A flush bolt mounted in the edge is operated by means of a recessed lever.

Flush Fin - A retrofit window that has a fin pushed out to the exterior of the window or door. AKA- Z-Bar, Retrofit, stucco fin.

Flush Glazing - Glazing in which glass is set in a recess in the aluminum frame; stops are also recessed; the glazing is flush with the frame surface. These systems are also called Pocket Glazed and Center Glazed.

Foam Spacer - Foam spacer used in insulating glass windows.

Fogging - A deposit of contamination left on the inside surface of a sealed insulating glass unit due to extremes of temperatures or failed seals.

Framing - An assembly of structural aluminum extrusions consisting of a jamb, vertical mullion, intermediate horizontal, header and sill which are fitted together to form a structure into which glass or other infill material is installed.

French Hinged Door - Hinged doors that have wider panel members around the glass.

French Sliding Door - Sliding doors that have wider panel members around the glass, giving the appearance of a French-hinged door.

Fully Tempered Glass - Glass that has been heated and quenched in a controlled operation to provide a high level of surface compression. ASTM Standard C 1048-85 specifies that the surface compression be a minimum of 10000 psi. Generally considered to have four times the strength of annealed glass and two times the strength of heat-strengthened glass.

GANA - Glass Association of North America Gas Fill. A gas other than air, usually argon or krypton, placed between window or skylight glazing panes to reduce the U-factor by suppressing conduction and convection.

Gasket - A rubber or plastic pliable material used to separate glazed glass and aluminum or vinyl.

Glass - An inorganic transparent material composed of silica (sand), soda (sodium carbonate), and lime (calcium carbonate) with small quantities of alumina, boric, or magnesia oxides.

Glass Stop - A glazing bead that is either applied to or is an integral part of the framing system.

Glaze - To install glass lights or infill material.

Glazing - The act of furnishing or fitting with glass.

Glazing Bead - A light member applied to a frame or door stile or rail to hold glass or infill in a fixed position.

Glazing Gasket - A preformed elastomeric or plastic material applied between the face of the glass and the glazing pocket of the framing to seal and secure glass into frames by a dry glazing method without using compounds or tapes.

Greenhouse (Garden) Window - A three-dimensional window that projects from the exterior wall and usually has glazing on all sides except the bottom, which serves as a shelf.

Greenhouse Effect - The property of glass that permits the transmission of short-wave solar radiation, but is opaque to long-wave thermal radiation. The interior of a car heating up in direct sun illustrates the greenhouse effect.

Grids Between the Glass - Aluminum bars in varying thicknesses and profiles sealed between insulating glass panels to simulate muntin bars.

Grille - A term referring to windowpane dividers or muntins, usually a type of assembly which may be detached for cleaning.

Hairline Joint - The fine line of contact between abutting members with the maximum joint width limited to 1/64".

Hand of Door - The designation for describing the direction a door swings. Visualize your back to the hinge or pivot jamb. If the door swings right, it is a right-handed door. If the door swings left, it is a left-handed door.

Hardware for the Physically Challenged - Hardware designed specifically to accommodate the needs of the physically challenged and to provide for ease of operation and accessibility.

Haze Factor - The percentage of light through a glazing material that is not diffused. (A 100% haze factor would equate to 100% of the light being diffused.

Head or Header - The horizontal frame member which forms the top of a frame.

Heat Fusion - A welding method to join PVC frame and/or sash members by heating the cut ends, squeezing them together, and allowing the assembly to cool.

Heat Gain - The transfer of heat from outside to inside by means of conduction, convection, and radiation through all surfaces of a house.

Heat Loss - The transfer of heat from inside to outside by means of conduction, convection, and radiation through all surfaces of a house.

Heat Treating - The process where aluminum extrusions are heated and cooled to make these materials hard.

Heat-Absorbing Glass - Window glass containing chemicals (with gray, bronze, or blue-green tint) which absorb light and heat radiation, while reducing glare and brightness. Also see Tinted glass.

Heat-Strengthened Glass - Glass that has been heated and quenched in a controlled operation to provide a degree of surface compression. ASTM Standard C 1048-85 specifies that the surface compression be between 3500 and 10000 psi. Generally considered to have two times the strength of annealed glass.

Heating Degree Day - Term used by heating and cooling engineers to relate the typical climate conditions of different areas to the amount of energy needed to heat and cool a building. The base temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit. A heating degree day is counted for each degree below 65 degrees reached by the average daily outside temperatures in the winter. For example, if on a given winter day, the daily average temperature outdoors is 30 degrees, then there are 35 degrees below the base temperature of 65 degrees. Thus, there are 35 heating degree days for that day.

Hermetically Sealed Unit - An insulating glass unit that is sealed against moisture. The unit is made up of two lites of glass, separated by a spacer (at the full perimeter) which contains a moisture absorbing material. The unit is then completely sealed, creating a moisture-free air space.

HERS - Home Energy Rating System. A California home energy rating certification program.

High-Impact Acrylic - Glazing material which has an impact modifier blended with the acrylic resin to meet specific impact requirements.

Hinge - A hardware device that connects a sash to a frame and enabling it to swing open or closed.

Hinge Backset - Depth of the hinge leaf that is mortised into a door stile or doorjamb.

Hinge Reinforcement (Back-Up Plate) - A metal plate attached to the door and/or doorframe to receive a hinge.

Hinge Stile - The vertical structural member of a door to which the hinges are attached and about which the door pivots.

Hinged Windows - Windows (casement and awning) with an operating sash that has hinges on one side. See also Projected Window.

Hip - The intersection between two sloping surfaces forming an exterior angle.

Hollow Extrusion - An extrusion having an enclosed cavity within it.

Hopper - Window with a sash hinged at the bottom.

Horizontal Slider - HS have two or more sash (panels) within a frame. They may have one moving and one fixed sash (XO or OX), two moving sash on either side of a fixed sash (XOX), or two adjacent sash may slide by each other (XX). Most have rollers to ease operation.

IBC - International Building Code.

ICC - International Code Council. A national organization that publishes model codes for adoption by states and other agencies. Codes include the International Residential Code (IRC), International Building Code (IBC) and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).

IECC - International Energy Conservation Code published by the ICC. The successor to the Model Energy Code, which is cited in the 1992 U.S. Energy Policy Act (EPAct) as the baseline for residential Energy Codes in the United States.

IGCC - Insulating Glass Certification Council - directs a certification program of periodic accelerated laboratory testing and unannounced plant inspections to ensure sealed insulating glass performance is in conformance with ASTM E 774-88.

IGMA - Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance.

Inactive Door or Leaf - The last door of a pair of doors to be released when unlocking, usually the one not equipped with a primary lock.

Incompatibility - Adverse reaction.

Infill - Various materials glazed into a framing system.

Infiltration - See air leakage.

Infrared Radiation - Invisible, electromagnetic radiation beyond red light on the spectrum with wavelengths greater than 0.7 microns.

Inside Snap Trim - Used in retrofit work to cover the inside gap between the new window and the existing opening.

Insulated Shutters - Insulating panels that cover a window opening to reduce heat loss.

Insulating Glass Unit (IG) - An integral glass unit made up of two or three individual lights of glass separated by an air space.

Insulating Value - See U-factor.

Insulation - Material that has the ability to reduce heat or cold transmission.

Integral Mullion - A frame member trapped within the master frame to separate vents or fixed glass.

Interior Glazing - A method in which glass is secured in an opening from the interior of the building.

Interlock - An upright frame member of a panel in a sliding window or sliding glass door which engages with a corresponding member in an adjacent panel when the window or door is closed. Also called Interlocking Stile.

Intermediate Butt Hinge - A butt hinge located between the top and bottom hinges on a door.

IRC - International Residential Code.

Jack Stud - Vertical framing members, generally 2x4's, which form the inside of the window or door rough opening. They support the header and run down to the sole plate.

Jalousie - Window made up of horizontally-mounted louvered glass slats that abut each other tightly when closed and rotate outward when open.

Jamb - The end vertical member of an aluminum framing system which terminates at the intersection of a wall. It is often referred to as a wall jamb.

Jamb Anchor - A metal device inserted in the back of a metal frame to anchor the frame to the wall. A masonry anchor is used in a masonry wall and a stud anchor in a wall built with wood or metal studs.

Jamb Extension - Pieces of material used to extend the depth of the jamb to equal the depth of the rough opening.

Jamb Liner - In a double-hung window, the track installed inside the jambs on which the window sashes slide. Vinyl or metal covering applied to the side jambs of double-hung and single-hung windows. They are generally formed to include an integral balance system and stops for the exterior and interior surfaces of the sash.

Joint Design - The design of a void to be filled with sealants to prevent air or water leakage.

Keeper - Part of a door or window that the lock latches onto.

Kerf - The channel or groove cut by a saw or other tool.

Keyed-Alike Cylinders - Cylinders operated by the same key. (Not to be confused with master-keyed cylinders.)

Keyed-Different Cylinders - Cylinders requiring individual keys for their operation.

Keyway - The keyhole of a cylinder lock.

Kick Plate - A plate applied to the face on the bottom of a door or sidelight to protect against abrasion or impact loads or maintain sight lines.

King Stud - A full-length stud nailed to the end of the header.

Knob - A round handle for actuating a locking or latching device.

Knocked Down (kd) - Unassembled window or door unit. Not including glass.

Knuckle - The parts of a butt hinge which enclose the hinge pin.

Krypton - An inert, nontoxic gas used in insulating windows to reduce heat transfer.

KWH - KiloWatt Hour. A unit of energy or work that is equal to one-thousand watt-hours.

Laminated glass - Two or more sheets of glass with an inner layer of transparent plastic to which the glass adheres if broken. Used for safety glazing and sound reduction.

Latch - A mechanism having a spring-activated beveled latch bolt. Retraction of the latch bolt is by lever handle or knob.

Latch Lock - See Lock.

Leaf - An individual door used either in a single or multiples (leaves).

LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Rating system for the design, construction, and operation of high-performance green buildings.

Left or right sliding - Location information, always outside looking in, that is used to specify direction, e.g., "the operating sash slides to the right."

Level - The condition of perfect horizontal alignment.

Lever Handle - A bar-like grip which is rotated about an axis at one of its ends to operate a locking or latching device.

Lift - Handle for raising the lower sash in a single-hung or double-hung window. Also called Sash Lift.

Light or Lite - A separately framed piece of glass in a window or door. Sometimes spelled 'Lite." A single (monolithic) glass pane or piece.

Light-to-Solar-Gain Ratio - A measure of the ability of a glazing to provide light without excessive solar-heat gain. It is the ratio between the visible transmittance of a glazing and its solar-heat gain coefficient.

Lintel - A horizontal structural member that spans an opening at the head to carry the weight of construction above the opening.

Liquid Crystal Glazing - Glass in which the optical properties of a thin layer of liquid crystals are controlled by an electrical current, changing from a clear to a diffusing state.

Lite - Same as Light.

Liveload - Loads from non-permanent parts of the building (window washing and glazing rigs are liveloads).

Lock Backset - Distance from the edge of the locking stile to the centerline of the cylinder, measured parallel to the face of the door.

Lock Face Plate - The exposed plate set on the edge of a door to cover a locking mechanism.

Lock, Dead lock - A lock in which a bolt is moved by means of a key or thumb turn and is positively stopped in its projected position.

Long-Wave Infrared Radiation - Invisible radiation, beyond red light on the electromagnetic spectrum (above 3.5 micro meters), emitted by warm surfaces such as a body at room temperature radiating to a cold window surface.

Louvers - Glass, metal, or vinyl slats, either movable or fixed; as in a Jalousie window

Low-Conductance Spacers - An assembly of materials designed to reduce heat transfer at the edge of an insulating window. Spacers are placed between the panes of glass in a double- or triple-glazed window.

Low-E Glass - Low emissivity glass; a type of reflective glass used to reduce radiation heat transfer and improve the U-value of the glazing.

Low-Emittance (Low-E) Coating - Microscopically thin, virtually invisible, metal or metallic-oxide layers deposited on a window or skylight glazing surface primarily to reduce the U-factor by suppressing radiative heat flow. A typical type of low-E coating is transparent to the solar spectrum (visible light and short-wave infrared radiation) and reflective of long-wave infrared radiation.

Marine Glazing - A U-channel of soft PVC which is wrapped around the edge of the glass, cushioning the glass against the aluminum or vinyl. This process allows for unrestricted expansion and contraction and watertightness masonry opening. The space in a masonry wall left open for windows or door. The opening in a masonry wall to accept a window or door unit; also known as a rough opening in a frame wall. The header (or lintel) in a masonry opening is usually a steel beam.

Master Key - A key that will operate a number of different locks, each of which is different from the rest.

Master Keying - A system of keying cylinders so that one master key will operate all of them, secondary keys will operate only certain groups, and other keys will operate only certain individual cylinders.

Medium Stile - See Stile.

Meeting rail - The part of a sliding glass door, a sliding window, or a hung window where two panels meet and create a weather barrier.

Meeting Stile - The stiles of the active and inactive leaves which meet when a pair of doors is closed.

Micron - One millionth (10-6) of a metric meter.

Mil - One thousandth of an inch, or 0.0254 millimeter.

Mill Finish - The original finish of aluminum before finishing.

Miter - A joint made up of two members, each of which is cut one-half the total angle of the joint.

Model Building Code - A construction code developed from input from industry, building officials, and others for use as a guide for the development of state and local building codes. Model building codes have no legislative or jurisdictional power.

Model Energy Code (MEC) - The Model Energy Code is cited in the 1992 U.S. Energy Policy Act (EPAct) as the baseline for residential Energy Codes in the United States. It has been succeeded by the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).

Mortise - A rectangular cutout which is fabricated in the aluminum entrance door and/or frame in preparation to receive a lock or butt hinge.

Mortise Lock - A lock designed to be installed in a mortise on the stile of the door rather than applied to the door's surface.

Mortise Type - Possesses a threaded surface for screwing it directly into a lock case and has a cam on the interior end which engages the lock mechanism.

Mortise-And-Tenon - A strong wood joint made by fitting together a mortise in one board and a matching projecting member (tenon) in the other.

MSDS - A Material Safety Data Sheet is a detailed information bulletin prepared by the manufacturer or importer of a chemical that describes the physical and chemical properties, physical and health hazards, routes of exposure, precautions for safe handling and use, emergency and first-aid procedures, and control measures. Information on an MSDS aids in the selection of safe products and helps prepare employers and employees to respond effectively to daily exposure situations as well as to emergency situations.

Mullion - A major structural vertical or horizontal member between window units or sliding glass doors.

Muntin - A secondary framing member used to hold panes within a window, window wall or glazed door.

Nail Fin - A fin on a window or door that is used to fasten the product into a rough opening. Usually not seen after installation is complete.

Narrow Stile - See Stile.

Neoprene - A synthetic rubber having physical properties closely resembling those of natural rubber but not requiring sulphur for vulcanization. Extremely good weather resistance (both heat and cold) with ultraviolet stability. Commonly used for commercial glaze.

NFRC - National Fenestration Rating Council.

Nite Latch - Hardware which, when engaged, restricts the sash opening to a predetermined dimension.

Obscure Glass - Any textured glass (frosted, etched, fluted, ground, etc.) used for privacy, light diffusion, or decorative effects.

Operable Window - Window that can be opened for ventilation.

Operator (Crank) - Operated device for opening and closing casement or jalousie windows.

Oriel Window - A window with unequal sash.

OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration is a federal agency charged with making the laws and standards that are designed to make the workplace safe.

Palladian Window - A large, arch-top window flanked by smaller windows on each side.

Pane - One of the compartments of a door or window consisting of a single sheet of glass in a frame; Also, a Sheet of Glass.

Panel - A major component of a sliding glass door, consisting of a light of glass in a frame installed within the main (or outer) frame of the door. A panel may be sliding or fixed.

Panning - In replacement window work, the outside aluminum trim that can extend around the perimeter of the window opening; used to cover up the old window material. Panning can be installed in the opening before the window, or attached directly to the window before installation.

Parting Stop - A narrow strip, either integral or applied, that holds a sash or panel in position in a frame.

Passive Solar - A solar heating system that operates on natural thermal processes, and uses no external mechanical power to move the collected heat. Generally, the building's structure itself forms the solar system.

Patio Doors - Sliding glass doors, often used for access to a deck or terrace.

Peak Load - The maximum thermal load to be provided by a heating or cooling system in a house.

Photochromics - Glazing with the optical properties that change in response to the amount of incident light.

Picture Window - A large, fixed window framed so that it is usually, but not always, longer horizontally than vertically to provide a panoramic view.

Pivot Window - A window with a sash that swings open or shut by revolving on pivots at either side of the sash or at top and bottom.

Plate Glass - A rolled, ground, and polished product with true flat parallel plane surfaces, affording excellent vision. It has been replaced by Float Glass.

Plumb - The condition of exact vertical alignment.

Polyurethane - Product produced by the reaction of a polyfunctional isocyanate with a polyol or other reactant containing two or more hydroxyl groups.

Polyvinylchloride (PVC) - An extruded or molded plastic material used for window framing and as a thermal barrier for aluminum windows.

Poured and Debridged - Framing system thermal break made by flowing a catalyzed liquid material with low thermal conductivity into a one-piece channel and then removing the base of the channel or bridge after solidification to form a thermally improved extrusion. Also see Thermal Cavity.

Primer - A substance that improves the adhesion of sealant or paint.

Projected Window - A window fitted with one or more sashes opening on pivoted arms or hinges. Refers to casements, awnings, and hoppers.

PSF (Pounds Per Square Foot) - A measurement of air pressure used in window testing, e.g., 1.56 psf (25 mph) or 6.24 psf (50 mph).

Pull Hardware - A fixed handle or grip used to pull a door open.

Punch - To perforate by pressing a non-rotating tool through the work.

Purlins - Horizontal members extending between rafters for supporting the glass on slope-glazed systems.

Pyrolytic Coating - A special coating sprayed directly onto glass while it is still in a molten state, resulting in a permanently embedded surface coating. Sometimes referred to as hard-coat low-E.

R-Value - A measure of the resistance of a glazing material or fenestration assembly to heat flow. It is the inverse of the U-factor (R = 1/U) and is expressed in units of hr-sq ft-°F/Btu. A high R-value window has a greater resistance to heat flow and a higher insulating value than one with a low R-value.

Racking - The forcing out-of-plumb of structural components.

Radiation - The transfer of heat in the form of electromagnetic waves from one separate surface to another. Energy from the sun reaches the earth by radiation.

Rafter - For sloped glazing, a main nominally sloped framing member.

Rail - A horizontal member located at the top and bottom of a window or door.

Ream - To finish a drilled or punched hole very accurately with a rotating fluted tool of the required diameter.

Receptor - A channel-shaped, telescopic member which adapts the frame of a window wall or storefront system to the size of the window wall or storefront system opening; an adapter.

Reflectance - The ratio of reflected radiant energy to incident radiant energy.

Reflected Radiation - Solar radiation that strikes an exposed surface (like a window) after being reflected from the ground, trees, buildings, snow, etc. Reflected radiation can provide a significant amount of heat when vertical windows are used.

Reflective Glass - Window glass coated to reflect radiation striking the surface of the glass.

Refraction - The deflection of a light ray from a straight path passes at an oblique angle from one medium (such as air) to another (such as glass).

Relative Heat Gain - A measurement of the total heat gain through glazing for a specific set of conditions.

Relative Humidity - The percentage of moisture in the air in relationship to the amount of moisture the air could hold at that given temperature. At 100 percent relative humidity, moisture condenses and falls as rain.

Resfen - A computer program used to calculate energy use based on window selection in residential buildings.

Retrofit - To add new materials or equipment not provided at the time of original construction.

Reveal - In windows it is typically the distance from the glazing to the edge of the frame. On hinged doors it is the distance from the face of a door to the face of the frame on the pivot or hinge side.

Ridge - The horizontal member at the junction of the upper edges of two sloping glass areas.

Roof Window - A fixed or operable window similar to a skylight placed in the sloping surface of a roof.

Rough Opening - The opening in a wall into which a door or window is to be installed.

Rough Sill - The horizontal rough framing member that forms the bottom of the rough opening.

S -Value - Section Modulus of the cross section of a member about the neutral axis perpendicular to the loads. This section property is used to calculate the stress on a member under loads. It is directly proportional to the capacity of the member. (Higher S-values improve the member’s performance and reduce internal stress.)

S.T.C. - Sound Transmission Class is a single number rating that measures the sound insulation value of a partition, door, or window. It is derived from a curve of its insulation value as a function of frequency. The higher the number, the more effective the sound insulation.

S.T.L. - Sound Transmission Loss is a measure of the sound-insulation value of a partition. It is the amount, in decibels, by which the intensity of the sound is reduced in transmission through the partition.

Sash - An assembly of lightweight aluminum extrusions forming the perimeter of a fixed light of glass.

Sash Balance - A coiled spring or spiral system integrated into the jambs to ease the operation of hung sashes when opening and closing. They also allow the sashes to remain open in varied positions.

Sash Cord - In double-hung windows, the rope or chain which attaches the sash to the counter balance.

Sash Lift - A protruding handle screwed to the inside bottom rail of the lower sash on a double-hung window.

Sash Lock - Generally, a lock applied to the interlocks or stiles of a sliding or hung window to secure the moving panel in place.

Sash Stop - Cover in jamb track that reduces sash travel on hung windows.

Sash Weights - In older double-hung windows, the concealed cast-iron weights which are used to counterbalance the sash.

SBC - Standard Building Code was first enacted by the Southern Building Code Congress International on November 16, 1945. Area of influence was Southeastern portion of the United States. Replaced by the ICC codes.

Screen - Woven mesh of metal, plastic, or fiberglass stretched over a window opening to permit air to pass through, but not insects.

Screw Boss - A continuous screw track in an extrusion. The track is designed to accept a specific diameter sheet metal screw to provide a secure means of fastening extrusions without the use of reinforcement.

Sealant - An elastomeric material with adhesive qualities used to seal joints or openings against the passage of air and water.

Sealant Backing - A compressible material inserted into a joint prior to applying a sealant to limit the depth of the applied sealant. Also see Backer Rod.

Seat Board - A flat board cut to fit the contour of a bow or bay window that's installed between the sills and the flat wall surface. They provide a seat or shelf space.

Seismic Load - Building movement and forces caused by earthquake motion.

Setting Block - A small piece of elastomeric material placed under glass in a frame to distribute the weight of the glass, to center the glass vertically within the frame and to prevent glass-to-metal contact. The recommended durometer for setting block material is 85±5 Shore A scale. Also see Shore A.

Shade Screen - A specially fabricated screen of sheet material with small narrow louvers formed in place to intercept solar radiation striking a window; the louvers are so small that only extremely small insects can pass through. Also called Sun Screen.

Shading Coefficient (SC) - A measure of the ability of a window or skylight to transmit solar heat, relative to that ability for 1/8-inch clear, double-strength, single glass. It is being phased out in favor of the solar heat gain coefficient - approximately equal to the SHGC multiplied by 1.15. It is expressed as a number without units between 0 and 1. The lower a window's solar heat gain coefficient or shading coefficient, the less solar heat it transmits, and the greater is its shading ability.

Shear Block - A type of joinery that uses a clip (the shear block) attached to a vertical mullion. The horizontal member fits over the clip and is secured by screws driven into the shear block.

Sheet Glass - A transparent, flat glass found in older windows, now largely replaced by float glass.

Shim - A spacer of uniform thickness and varying sizes used to plumb and level frames.

Shore A - Test used to measure the durometer (hardness) of elastomeric glazing gaskets and usually referred to as Shore A (Shore Instrument Company - Scale A). Also see Durometer.

Short-Wave Infrared Radia - Invisible radiation, just beyond red light on the electromagnetic spectrum (between 0.7 and 2.5 microns), emitted by hot surfaces and included in solar radiation.

Sidelight - The glazed frame or frames placed on one or both sides of a door.

Silicone - A chemical used as a lubricant or as a sealant.

Sill - The bottom horizontal member of a door, window or sash frame.

Sill Pan - A rigid flashing installed under doors or windows that has a purpose of collecting and draining residual water to the exterior. It can be formed out of sheet metal or extruded in one piece. It is designed to have an upstanding leg in the interior and each end.

Sill track - The track provided at the sill of a sliding glass door or window. Also, the sill member that incorporates such a track.

Simulated Divided Lights - A window that has the appearance of a number of smaller panes of glass separated by muntins, but actually is a larger glazing unit with the muntins placed between or on the surfaces of the glass layers.

Single-Acting Door - A door mounted to swing in one direction only from the plane of its frame.

Single-Glazing - Single thickness of glass in a window or door.

Single-Hung Window - A window consisting of two sashes of glass, the top one stationary and the bottom movable.

Single-Strength Glass - Glass with thickness between 0.085" and 0.100" (2.16­2.57 mm).

Skylight (Operable or Piv - A roof window that gives light and ventilation.

Sliding Glass Door - A door fitted with one or more panels that move horizontally on a track and/or in grooves. Moving action is usually of rolling type (rather than sliding type). Also called gliding door, rolling glass door, and patio sliding door.

Sliding Window - A window fitted with one or more sashes opening by sliding horizontally or vertically in grooves provided by frame members. Vertical sliders may be single- or double-hung.

Slope Glazed - A glass and framing assembly that is sloped more than 15° from vertical.

Smart Window - Generic term for windows with switchable coatings to control solar gain.

Snowload - Loads imposed on slope glazed structures by the accumulation of snow.

Soffit - The exposed undersurface of any overhead component of a building, such as an arch, balcony, beam, cornice, lintel, or vault.

Solar Control Coatings - Thin film coatings on glass or plastic that absorb or reflect solar energy, thereby reducing solar gain.

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) - The fraction of solar radiation admitted through a window or skylight, both directly transmitted, and absorbed and subsequently released inward. The solar heat gain coefficient has replaced the shading coefficient as the standard indicator of a window's shading ability. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 1. The lower a window's solar heat gain coefficient, the less solar heat it transmits, and the greater its shading ability. SHGC can be expressed in terms of the glass alone or the entire window assembly.

Solar Radiation - The total radiant energy from the sun, including ultraviolet and infrared wave lengths as well as visible light.

Solar Screen - A sun shading device, such as screens, panels, louvers, or blinds, installed to intercept solar radiation.

Solar Spectrum - The intensity variation of sunlight across its spectral range.

Solar Transmittance - The percentage of total solar energy that glazing transmits through a window – a standard clear dual pane has a solar transmittance of 71%.

Solar-Tempered House - A dwelling that obtains a large part of its heat from the sun.

Sole Plate - The bottom horizontal piece in a frame wall, usually single or double 2x4's. The wall is nailed into the deck or rough floor through the sole plate.

Solid Extrusion - An extruded shape other than a hollow or a semi-hollow extruded shape. Less costly to produce compared to semi or hollow shapes.

Sound Transmission Class - The sound transmission loss rating of a material over a selected range of sound frequencies. The higher the number, the less sound transmitted.

Span - Distance between centers of supports.

Spandrel - Opaque glazing material most often used to conceal building elements between floors of a building, so they cannot be seen from the exterior.

Spectrally Selective Coat - A coated or tinted glazing with optical properties that are transparent to some wavelengths of energy and reflective to others. Typical spectrally selective coatings are transparent to visible light and reflect short-wave and long-wave infrared radiation.

Speed Control - The mechanism that controls the rate of speed at which a door will operate.

Splice - A longitudinal or latitudinal connection between the parts of a continuous member.

Sputtered Coating - A coating deposited on glass or film atom-by-atom in a precise process inside a vacuum chamber. Softcoat low-E uses sputtered coatings.

STC (Sound Transmission Class) - Describes acoustical control for interior panels, and, even though inadequate, sometimes exterior windows. The higher the number, the better the product is at resisting typical sound frequencies excluding airplane and train noises.

Steel Reinforcing - A steel component placed within a vertical mullion to add stiffness and increase the windload capability of the system. Steel reinforcing may also be used to limit deadload deflection in intermediate horizontals.

Stiffener - A reinforcing member which serves to limit the deflection of the member to which it is attached.

Stile - A vertical member of a window or door, exclusive of applied glazing beads. Stiles are usually designated by function, such as lock stile, hinge stile or meeting stile.

Stool - The narrow shelf fitted on the inside of a window which butts against the sill.

Stop - The molding on the inside of a window frame against which the window sash closes; in the case of a double-hung window, the sash slides against the stop. Also used to describe a glazing bead.

Storm Windows - A second set of windows installed on the outside or inside of the primary windows to provide additional insulation and wind protection.

Strike - Typically the portion of the lock that engages the keeper in the jamb or mullion.

Subframe - A supporting frame installed prior to installing a finished door frame.

Subsill - An aluminum extruded profile installed beneath the primary sill of a framing system specifically designed to function as a secondary defense for collecting infiltrated water which is then weeped to the exterior.

Sun Control Film - A tinted or reflective film applied to the glazing surface to reduce visible, ultra-violet, or total transmission of solar radiation. Reduces solar heat gain in summer and glare. Some can be removed and reapplied with changing seasons.

Superwindow - A window with a very low U-factor, typically less than 0.15, achieved through the use of multiple glazings, low-E coatings, and gas fills.

Sweep Strip or Door Sweep - A weatherstrip mounted at the top or bottom edge of a swing door.

Swing - The direction a swing door opens. Also see Hand of Door.

Switchable Glazings - Glazings with optical properties that can be reversibly switched from clear to dark or reflective.

Temper (Aluminum) - Process used to bring a proper degree of hardness or elasticity by heat treatment. T5 - Artificially aged to improve mechanical properties and stability. T6 - Solution treated and artificially aged to improve the allowable stresses and consequently the capacity to resist greater movements.

Tempered Glass - Strong, break-resistant glass created in a secondary process via controlled air cooling of the heated glass. Tempered glass is four times stronger than annealed glass; a form of safety glazing. When shattered, it breaks into small pieces.

Tempering - Strengthening glass with heat and controlled air cooling.

Template (For Hardware) - A master pattern or scaled drawing showing all dimensions and hole spacing for hardware application.

Template Hardware - Hardware manufactured within template tolerances.

Tenon - A rectangular projection cut out of a piece of wood for insertion into a mortise.

Thermal Break - An insulating material of low-thermal conductivity placed between materials of high conductivity within the system itself to inhibit the flow of cold or heat.

Thermal Cavity - The hollow, channel or void provided in the extruded framing member into which the liquid-thermal-break material is poured.

Thermal Expansion and Contraction - An increase in the dimensions of a material in direct proportion to the rise in its temperature and conversely a dimensional shrinking as a result of a drop in temperature.

Thermal Mass - Mass in a building (furnishings or structure) that is used to absorb solar gain during the day and release the heat as the space cools in the evening.

Thermal Resistance - The ability of a material to impede the flow of heat. See R-Value.

Thermal Stress - Strain on the edges of a glass pane caused by the faster expansion rate of the center of the light when exposed to heat.

Thermal Transmittance (U-Value) - The time rate of heat flow per unit area under steady state conditions through a body for a unit-air temperature difference on the two sides of the body.

Thermally Improved - Framing systems which for the most part have a continuous thermal isolator between the exterior and interior aluminum framing members, but which have intermittent contact between the exterior and interior by a highly conductive material such as aluminum or a steel fastener.

Thermochromics - Glazing with optical properties that can change in response to temperature changes.

Threshold - The member that lies at the bottom of a sliding glass door or swinging door; the sill of a doorway.

Throw - The distance which a lock bolt or latch bolt projects when in the locked position.

Thumbturn - A permanently attached small lever which, when turned, operates the bolt on a dead lock in the same manner as a key.

Tilt window - A single- or double-hung window whose operable sash can be tilted into the room for interior washability.

Tinted glass - Glass colored by incorporation of a mineral admixture. Any tinting reduces both visual and radiant transmittance.

Translucent - A glazing such as frosted glass, which transmits electromagnetic radiation (light) but causes scattering so that a clear image cannot be seen.

Transmittance - The percentage of radiation that can pass through glazing. Transmittance can be defined for different types of light or energy, e.g., visible light transmittance, UV transmittance, or total solar energy transmittance.

Transom Bar - The horizontal frame member (header) which separates the door opening from the transom.

Transom Window - The window sash located above a door. Also called transom light.

Transparent - Clear glazing that transmits light without diffusion for a clear view.

Trim Hardware - Decorative finish hardware used to operate functional hardware or the door itself.

Triple Glazing - Three panes of glass or plastic with two air spaces between.

True Divided Light (TDL) - A term which refers to windows in which multiple individual panes of glass or lights are assembled in the sash using muntins.

U-Factor - NFRC simulated overall coefficient of heat, transmittance of heat flow measured in BTU/hr-ft2-F. Lower U-factors indicate better performance.

U-Value - Measures the heat transfer through a material due to the difference in air temperatures on the two sides. (Lower U-values indicate better performance.) Also see Thermal Transmittance.

U.L. - Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.

Ultraviolet Light (UV) - The invisible rays of the spectrum that are outside of the visible spectrum at its short-wavelength violet end. Ultraviolet rays are found in everyday sunlight and cause paint finishes, carpets, and fabrics to fade.

Uniform Building Code (UBC) - The building code generally used in the western United States, developed by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) in Whittier, CA. Area of influence: Regions in the United States west of the Mississippi River. Replaced by ICC.

Uniform Construction Index - CSI format system to standardize classification of construction-related products; united inches the sum total of one window width and one window height expressed in inches.

Valley - The trough or gutter formed by the intersection of two inclined planes on a roof. The inclined planes are perpendicular to each other.

Vapor Retarder - A material that reduces the diffusion of water vapor across a building assembly.

Vault - An arched structure forming the supporting structure of a ceiling or roof.

Veneer - A thin surface layer glued to a base of inferior material. To overlay (a surface) with a thin layer of a fine or decorative material.

Vent - The operating portion of a window that slides, swings or projects in or out.

Vent Unit - A window or door that opens to provide ventilation.

Vestibule - A small entrance hall or passage between the outer door and the interior of a building.

Vinyl - Polyvinyl chloride material, which can be both rigid or flexible, used for window frames.

Visible Light - The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that produces light that can be seen. Wavelengths range from 380 to 720 nanometers.

Visible Light Transmittance - Visible Light Transmittance (VT) measures how much light comes through a product. The visible transmittance is an optical property that indicates the amount of visible light transmitted.

Warm-Edge Technology - The use of low-conductance spacers to reduce heat transfer near the edge of insulated glazing.

Wave-Length Selective - "Intelligent" coatings such as Low-E allow for glazing combinations to permit selective gain or shielding of the sun's heat, while letting in visible light.

Weatherstripping - A strip of resilient material for covering the joint between the window sash and frame in order to reduce air leaks and prevent water from entering the structure.

Wedge Glazing - A flexible, continuous gasket that ensures a high-compression seal between the glass and glazing bead by applying pressure.

Weep Hole - A small opening in a wall or window sill member through which water may drain to the building exterior.

Windload - Force exerted on a surface by moving air.

Windload Formula - Formula used to relate wind speed to wind loads. MPH = Sqrt (PSF/.00256).

Window - A glazed opening in an external wall of a building; an entire unit consisting of a frame sash and glazing, and any operable elements.

Window Hardware - Various devices and mechanisms for the window including catches, fasteners and locks, hinges, pivots, lifts and pulls, pulleys and sash weights, sash balances, and stays. Always expressed as width first, then height.

Windowpane Divider - See Muntin.

Wire Glass - 1/4" clear or obscure glass having a layer of diamond or square pattern wire mesh embedded in the glass lite